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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-20 22:45:19  


摘 要







Building energy consumption is increasing year by year in the process of accelerating urbanization in China. In China's total social energy consumption, building energy consumption currently accounts for about 30%. With the increasing use of air conditioners in indoor buildings, their energy consumption has gradually become a major component of building energy consumption. According to statistics, China's air-conditioning consume 40 ~ 60% of the building's total energy. After years of research and development, traditional air-conditioning energy-saving technologies whose main development direction is to improve the refrigeration efficiency of air-conditioning refrigeration equipment or increase the utilization rate of natural cooling sources have made it difficult to achieve breakthrough progress in practical applications.

Recent studies have shown that traditional air conditioning system apply phase-change energy storage technology has great potential for energy saving and can prolong the service life of air-conditioning. Phase-change energy storage technology has great potential to properly adjust the time utilization between supply and demand of energy supply system.

According to the indoor and outdoor temperature conditions, the air-conditioning system studied in this paper can realize five operating modes: fresh air cooling, conventional cooling, fresh air cold storage, refrigeration cold storage and return air.

This paper uses the building indoor thermal environment simulation software DeST established a typical model of communication base station in Wuhan. By modifying the ventilation parameters of the software model to analyze ventilation number’influence to the base station indoor temperature and finally select the most appropriate ventilation rate per hour. Ventilation cooling technology used in the communication base station can reduce the air-conditioning’s work time. The energy saving potential of this technology also analyzed in this paper. By carrying out annual simulation operation control strategy in phase-change energy storage air conditioning system and referring to some relevant literatures, the paper obtains actual effect in "peak shifting and valley filling" of electricity consumption. Finally, the paper compares the energy consumption of the air-conditioning system and the conventional air-conditioning system using phase change energy storage technology and ventilation cooling technology in the communication base station, showing the energy saving effect of a typical phase-change energy storage air-conditioning system in Wuhan in the form of economy.

Key words: Phase Change Energy Storage;Air Conditioning System;Ventilation and cooling; DeST;Energy consumption analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 相变储能技术机理研究 1

1.2.2 相变储能技术在空调领域的应用现状 2

1.3 论文结构 2

1.4 本章小结 3

第二章 相变储能技术机理研究 4

2.1 引言 4

2.2 相变传热理论 4

2.2.1 相变储能的基本原理 4

2.2.2 相变储能系统的基本要求及特点 5

2.3 相变储能材料 6

2.3.1 相变储能材料的分类 6

2.3.2 相变储能材料的选取原则 8

2.3.3 相变储能材料的研究方向 8

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 通信基站用相变储能空调系统原理及运行模式 10

3.1 引言 10

3.2基站概述 10

3.3 基站空调系统介绍 11

3.4 相变储能空调常见工作模式 12

3.4 本章小结 13

第四章 相变储能系统节能效果分析 14

4.1 引言 14

4.2 典型通信基站负荷特性 14

4.3 通信基站通风冷却技术节能效果分析 16

4.4 通信基站相变冷却技术的节能效果分析 17

4.5 相变储能空调系统全年运行节能效果分析 21

4.6 本章小结 21

第五章 结论与展望 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

城市的快速发展伴随着建筑物的不断增长,随之而来的是各种建筑物配套设施能耗的增加,建筑物能耗逐渐成为城市能源消耗的主要部分。建筑物能耗在我国社会能源消费总量的比例目前占到了30%左右。建筑物能耗较高的主要原因是空调系统的能耗高。根据资料统计,我国空调能耗占建筑物总能耗 40~60%[1] 对于传统空调节能技术,主要从提高制冷设备制冷效率方面入手,但这种技术经过多年研究发展已经难以取得突破性进展。空调蓄冷技术作为一种发展绿色低能耗空调系统的新型技术,对比研究其应用于空调系统的节能效果就具有一定的现实意义。


1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 相变储能技术机理研究



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