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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:30:54  

摘 要


为了更好的控制船舶排放,早期我们使用IMO规范,对NOx排放进行控制。我国在2016年8月,颁发了新的国家标准GB / T15097-2016,不拘泥于NOx这一单一污染物的排放,对各种船机排气污染物排放限值,法规都做出了准确的规定,根据船机型号参数的不同所适用的限值标准也不尽相同。新的排放法规分两个阶段实行,在2021年我们将进入第二阶段,对旧有的IMO法规进行全面替代。






With the growth of economy and the development of globalization, the number of ships is increasing rapidly, and the energy consumed is increasing. It also causes air pollution, which has a serious impact on the development of economy and society.

In order to have a better control of ship emissions. In August 2016, China issued a new national standard GB/T15097-2016, which is not only limited to NOx emission as a single pollutant, but also provides accurate regulations on emission limits of exhaust pollutants from various ship engines. According to different ship type parameters, applicable limits are also different.The new emission regulations will be implemented in two phases. In 2021, we will enter the second phase to fully replace the old IMO regulations.

In order to adapt to the new emission regulations and complete the emission test of Marine diesel engine's national standard gas under the guidance of the new regulations better, we conducted the emission test calculation of a certain type of Marine diesel engine, so as to master the emission test calculation method under the new national standard.

In this experiment, we completed the research on the influence of different advance angles on the ship's gas emission in accordance with the provisions of the new national standard for the existing ship main engine.In the experiment, NOX, CO, HC and CO2 emissions were tested and calculated when the advance Angle of oil injection was 9°. It was found that NOX emissions exceeded the limit of the national standard, so the advance Angle was changed to 7° for another test. NOX emissions met the requirements of the national standard.

Through calculation and analysis, found that reduce fuel injection advance Angle experiment of the host (by 9 ° change to 7 °) NOx emission standard (NOx emission was reduced by 10%), HC emissions at the same time have a little lower (5% to reduce HC emissions), CO2 emissions with a small increase (CO2 emissions increased by 2%), CO emissions increase bigger (CO emissions increase nearly 40%), in this paper, the various causes are analyzed.

Keywords:Marine engine; Gas emissions; Advance Angle; Measure to calculat


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 论文研究背景 1

1.1.2 论文研究意义 1

1.2 船机排放物 1

1.2.1 排放物的组成 1

1.2.2 排放物的生成机理 2

1.2.3 排放物的危害 3

1.3 论文主要内容 4

第二章 船用柴油机排放法规标准 5

2.1 国内外气体排放法规要求 5

2.1.1 国内排放法规要求 5

2.1.2 国外排放法规要求 6

2.1.3 国内排放法规的变化 7

2.2 国内外气体排放研究现状 7

2.2.1 国内研究现状 7

2.2.2 国外研究现状 8

第三章 台架要求及测试实验 9

3.1 台架要求 9

3.1.1试验规程及取样系统 9

3.1.2 测量设备要求 10

3.2 排放测试实验 12

第四章 排放测试计算与分析 14

4.1 各污染物成分排放计算过程 14

4.1.1 废气质量流量 14

4.1.2 干对湿修正 15

4.1.3 各组分流量 16

4.1.4 排放量 17

4.2 各污染物排放量对比 19

第五章 结论 20

5.1 计算结果分析 20

5.1.1 NOx排放降低原因 20

5.1.2 HC排放降低原因 20

5.1.3 CO排放降低原因 20

5.2 喷油提前角调整策略 20

参考文献 22

致谢 24


1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 论文研究背景



为了更好的控制船舶排放,我国在2016年8月,颁发了新的国家标准GB / T15097-2016,不只拘泥于NOx这一单一污染物的排放,对各种船机排气污染物排放限值,法规都做出了准确的规定,根据船机型号参数的不同所适用的限值标准也不尽相同。该标准分两个阶段逐步实行,在马上到来的2021年,我们将实行第二阶段的法规标准,测试标准的第二阶段是更为严格的,需要我们对排放测试的方式方法进行进一步的探究。

1.1.2 论文研究意义

IMO规范是之前我国所遵循的旧有法规,为了跟进时代发展,对多种污染物的排放进行控制。我国在2016年8月,颁发了新的国家标准GB / T15097-2016,不只拘泥于NOx这一单一污染物的排放,对各种船机排气污染物排放限值,法规都做出了准确的规定,根据船机型号参数的不同所适用的限值标准也不尽相同。颁布法规时同时规定了在2021年,开始实行第二阶段的标准,其对各排气污染物的排放限值的规定变得更为严苛。

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