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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:25:53  

摘 要


在本文的研究中,研究对象是某款柴油机,选定在曲轴转角转速为2200rpm的工况下进行研究,研究内容是在流体动力学软件CONVERGE上设置了四种不同比例的正丁醇掺混,这四种比例是0%、10%、15%和30%,记为Bu00、Bu10、Bu15和Bu30,通过做模拟仿真,获得了4种正丁醇-柴油燃料燃烧后柴油机的气缸中各种排放物的生成质量,通过对比随着正丁醇掺混比例的变化,各种排放物生成质量的变化及气缸内的空间分布情况,探究正丁醇掺混在柴油中的应用研究,研究结果显示:(1)柴油机的气缸最大压力会有所升高,不过当柴油中正丁醇的掺混比例增大到一定程度以后,柴油机的气缸最大压力的提升程度会有一定的降低;(2)正丁醇的掺混能提高柴油机的缸内燃烧温度,促进燃料的充分燃烧,提高柴油机的燃烧性能;(3)正丁醇的掺混能提高了柴油机气缸中氮氧化物(Nitrogen Oxide,NOx)的生成质量,但是当正丁醇的掺混比例超过了一定的值后,柴油机气缸中NOx的生成量的提高程度会有一定的下降;(4)正丁醇的掺混能有效的降低柴油机碳烟的生成量,正丁醇的掺混比例越高,柴油机气缸中碳烟的生成质量的降低程度越大;(5)正丁醇的掺混能有效的降低柴油机气缸内的一氧化碳(Carbon monoxide,CO)的生成质量,正丁醇的掺混比例越高,柴油机气缸中CO的生成质量的降低程度越大;(6)正丁醇的掺混能提高了柴油机的气缸中碳氢化合物(Hydrocarbon,HC)的生成质量,但是当正丁醇的掺混比例超过了一定的值后,柴油机气缸中HC的生成质量的提高程度会有一定的下降。



In recent decades, the world's oil resources are running out. The current situation of global oil resource depletion has brought tremendous energy pressure to the economic and technological development of various countries. Facing the double pressure of the rapid growth of car ownership and the deterioration of the earth's ecological environment, the automobile industry has been looking for an effective way to achieve sustainable development. China is a country rich in coal energy but short of oil resources. Facing the current situation of oil resources shortage in the world, China attaches increasing importance to the research on other energy sources that can replace oil energy. In recent years, people have focused on the development of diesel vehicles. However, due to the large amount of pollutants in diesel vehicle exhaust, especially the large emission of carbon smoke, which causes serious pollution to the ecological environment, many scientists hope to mix diesel with other energy sources to reduce the emission of pollutants in diesel engine exhaust.

In this study, the research object is a kind of diesel engine, selected in the crankshaft rotation speed is 2200 RPM under the condition of the research, the research content is on the fluid dynamics software CONVERGE set up four kinds of different proportion of n-butyl alcohol blending, the four ratio is 0%, 10%, 15% and 30%, notes for Bu00, Bu10, Bu15 and Bu30, through the simulation, the four kinds of n-butyl alcohol - diesel fuel combustion of diesel engine cylinder after the production of all kinds of emissions in the quality, by comparing with the changes of n-butanol mixing proportion, Various emissions generated quality changes and the spatial distribution of the cylinders, explore n-butyl alcohol blending application in diesel research, the results showed that: (1) the maximum pressure of diesel engine cylinder can rise somewhat, but when the diesel is butanol mixing ratio increases to a certain degree, the maximum pressure of diesel engine cylinder ascension will have less; (2) the mixing of n-butanol can improve the combustion temperature in the cylinder of the diesel engine, promote the full combustion of the fuel, and improve the combustion performance of the diesel engine; (3) the mixing of n-butanol can improve the quality of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) in the diesel cylinder. However, when the mixing ratio of n-butanol exceeds a certain value, the increasing degree of NOx in the diesel cylinder will decrease to some extent. (4) the mixing of n-butanol can effectively reduce the amount of carbon smoke produced by diesel engine. The higher the mixing ratio of n-butanol is, the greater the reduction of the quality of carbon smoke generated in diesel engine cylinders will be. (5) the mixing of n-butanol can effectively reduce the formation quality of Carbon monoxide (CO) in the cylinder of the diesel engine. The higher the mixing ratio of n-butanol is, the greater the reduction of the formation quality of CO in the cylinder of the diesel engine is. (6) the mixing of n-butyl alcohol can improve the diesel engine cylinder in the generation of hydrocarbons (Hydrocarbon, HC) quality, but when n-butyl alcohol blending proportion after more than a certain value, the production of HC in the diesel engine cylinder will have certain reduction in the improvement of the quality.

Keywords: CONVERGE; diesel engine; n-butanol; emissions


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 正丁醇的特点 2

1.3 柴油机的特点 3

1.4 柴油机的排放物及其生成原理 3

1.4.1 CO的生成原理 3

1.4.2 HC的生成原理 4

1.4.3 NOx的生成原理 4

1.4.4 碳烟的生成原理 4

1.5 正丁醇及柴油机的国内外研究现状 5

1.6 本文研究的主要目的及意义 7

第2章 数值模拟基础 8


2.2 柴油与正丁醇的特性对比 8

2.3 仿真模型 9

第3章 数据分析 10

3.1 正丁醇掺混对柴油机燃烧参数的影响 10

3.2 正丁醇掺混对气缸压力的影响 10

3.3 正丁醇掺混对气缸温度的影响 11

3.4 正丁醇掺混对NOx的影响 12

3.5 正丁醇掺混对碳烟的影响 13

3.6 正丁醇掺混对CO的影响 17

3.7 正丁醇掺混对HC的影响 18

3.8 小结 19

第4章 总结 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言

近几十年来,世界上的石油资源日趋枯竭,全球石油资源枯竭的现状给各国的经济和技术的发展带来了极大的能源压力,而且当今社会上汽车的保有量快速增长,石油燃料又始终维持着较高的价格,这给人们带来了极大的经济压力,除此以外发动机燃烧石油燃料会排放出大量的二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide,CO2),而CO2的浓度过高会造成全球气候变暖(温室效应),目前世界各国对汽车发动机的排放物中CO2的含量有着严格的限制与要求,这使得部分汽车公司对于可替代石油燃料的其他化石能源和可再生能源的研究的重视程度和关注度日益增加。过多的燃烧石油燃料会对全球生态环境造成较多的问题,其中最具有代表性的问题是酸雨和全球温室效应[1]。当今全球总人口的数量快速增长,能源生产的工业化程度也越来越高,石油的可替代能源与其他可再生能源的需求量逐年增加,从2020年到2040年,石油的可替代能源与其他可再生能源的需求量规模将逐年增加30% [2]


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