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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:30:57  

摘 要






In the process of rapid development of Chinese aerospace industry, the power system is an important part of the spacecraft, and its development determines the lower limit of the aerospace industry to a certain extent. Therefore, proton exchange membrane fuel cells with high specific power and high specific energy, low pollution, low noise, fast start-up and long life will have important applications in the future aerospace field.

Due to the particularity of the working environment of the spacecraft, this paper studies the proton exchange membrane fuel cell with closed anode and cathode mode. The anode is fed with pure hydrogen, the cathode is fed with pure oxygen, and the tail gas is discharged by pulse. The fluid mechanics software Fluent is used to model the space fuel cell, and the operating characteristics of the space fuel cell are simulated. According to the operating characteristics and operating characteristics of the space fuel cell, the cathode and anode combined emission strategy is optimized to improve gas utilization and Battery performance.

The thesis mainly studies the operating characteristics and emission characteristics of cathode and anode closed proton exchange membrane fuel cells under different operating conditions. The results show that under steady-state operation, the lower the current density, the more anode hydrogen is distributed, the cathode oxygen is distributed more, and the battery has fewer water steps; the greater the anode and cathode inlet pressure, the more anode hydrogen is distributed, and the cathode oxygen is distributed More, there are fewer moisture steps in the battery; the higher the temperature within a certain range, the smaller the anode hydrogen distribution, the cathode oxygen distribution, and the more moisture steps in the battery. The transient calculation study found that the water discharge rate when the cathode and anode are discharged simultaneously is greater than the rate when the cathode is discharged alone, so the simultaneous discharge strategy of cathode and anode can restore battery performance more quickly. In the case of single cathode discharge, the continuous discharge time of the separate cathode discharge is longer, and the discharge duration is set to 12ms; the continuous discharge time of the cathode and anode is shorter, and the time is set to 4ms.

Key Words:Proton exchange membrane fuel cell;Dead-ended cathode and anode;Operating conditions;Operating characteristics;Purge strategy


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 阴阳极全闭口运行燃料电池运行及脉冲排放 2

1.4 研究内容与方法 2

第2章 PEMFC数学模型 4

2.1 质子交换膜燃料电池简介 4

2.1.1 质子交换膜燃料电池结构原理 4

2.1.2 质子交换膜燃料电池的应用 5

2.1.3 阴阳极全闭口质子交换膜燃料电池结构原理 5

2.2 模型假设 6

2.3 基本流体力学基本模型 6

2.4 电化学反应模型 7

2.4.1 电荷守恒方程 7

2.4.2 电化学动力学方程(B u t l e r - V o l m e r 方程) 7

2.5 极化曲线 8

2.6 本章小结 9

第3章 阴阳极闭口PEMFC的稳态运行特性研究 10

3.1 网格模型建立 10

3.1.1 几何模型 10

3.1.2 网格划分 11

3.2 边界条件和计算方案 12

3.3 模型验证 13

3.4 结果与分析 14

3.4.1 电流密度对运行特性的影响 14

3.4.2 进气压力对运行特性的影响 22

3.4.3 运行温度对运行特性的影响 28

3.5 本章小结 34

第4章 阴阳极闭口PEMFC的瞬态运行及排放特性研究 35

4.1 阴阳极闭口PEMFC瞬态运行分布特性 35

4.2 阴极排放的运行及排放特性 36

4.3 阴阳极同时排放的运行及排放特性 40

4.4 本章小结 43

第5章 总结与展望 44

5.1 总结 44

5.2 展望 45

参考文献 46

致 谢 49

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


1.2 国内外研究现状

美国在上个世纪的60年代对燃料电池的研究初有成效,在空间站以及通信卫星等场所有重要作用。具有代表性的是美国航天局(NASA)成功在“双子星座”飞行器、和航天飞船上使用了碱性燃料电池[3]。不尽如人意的是,它的电解质液会破坏电解质膜,损害燃料电池。其次,其电解质溶液还会污染反应生成的H2O [4]。于是,美国航天局(NASA)另辟蹊径,将质子交换膜燃料电池PEMFC的应用提上日程。质子交换膜燃料电池PEMFC如前文所说,其性能优势十分明显,很快就被快速应用。此外,欧空局(ESA)也大力发展氢氧燃料电池,其性能与寿命水平远优于传统能源系统[5]。质子交换膜PEMFC在航空航天领域的重要性可见一斑。在乘用车领域,丰田、本田等汽车厂商都曾在PEMFC上投入较大的研发成本,并推出量产车型[6]


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