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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:25:09  

摘 要









With the bright future of the electric vehicle industry, lithium batteries have become the most mature and widely used research hotspot in the core battery technology of electric vehicles due to their advantages of high energy density, high power density and long service life. As the primary problem restricting the development of lithium batteries, problems such as capacity decline and shortened life caused by battery aging have limited the promotion of electric vehicles and the advancement of lithium-ion battery technology. The purpose of this article is to study the aging rules of lithium-ion batteries and diagnose their health status. The research contents of this article are as follows:

(1) Briefly introduce the composition and reaction principle of lithium battery and illustrate the migration process of lithium ion. The aging process of lithium-ion batteries is briefly analyzed, and the external and internal factors that affect the aging process of lithium batteries are summarized.

(2) Introduce three methods for analyzing the aging mechanism of the battery, and explain the principles, advantages and disadvantages of the three methods, and finally compare the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods, choose to use the incremental capacity method in the characteristic analysis method to Analyze the battery aging mechanism. Then through the data obtained by the ncm523 battery cycle aging experiment, the performance changes of the lithium battery during the cycle and the characteristics of the open circuit voltage curve are simply analyzed. The process of establishing the incremental capacity curve using the incremental capacity analysis method is further elaborated, and the relationship between the correlation characteristics of each peak in the curve and the electrochemical reaction inside the battery is analyzed.

(3) Compare the changes of the capacity increase curve of the lithium battery due to the change of a single factor under different conditions, and establish the relationship between the capacity increase curve and these influencing factors by analyzing the differences of the curves, and use these influencing factors and The relationship between the external characteristics of the battery and the changes in the internal electrochemical reaction can finally be used to diagnose the battery status using the capacity increase curve.

(4) The characteristic parameters that can be used to estimate the health status of the battery are extracted from the capacity increment curve, and then the correlation between each parameter and the available capacity of the battery is compared by the correlation analysis method, and the strongest correlation with the available capacity of the battery is selected. Characteristic Parameters. Three types of aging models and their advantages and disadvantages are introduced. Use the selected characteristic parameters of the capacity increment curve as input variables.

(5) Introduced the production process and details of the GA-BP neural network model.

Key Words:Lithium battery; incremental capacity analysis; aging model; aging law


第1章绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2研究的目的 1

1.3国内外的研究现状分析 1

第2章简析锂离子电池 3

2.1锂离子电池的介绍 3

2.2锂离子电池老化机理分析 3

2.2.1影响锂离子电池的内部原因 3

2.2.2影响锂离子电池的外部原因 4

第3章锂离子电池寿命老化试验及SOH估算 5

3.1锂离子电池循环性能分析 6

3.1.1电池容量变化 6

3.1.2开路电压曲线变化 7

3.2锂离子电池ICA分析 7

3.2.1容量增量分析法原理及影响因素分析 7

3.2.2锂离子电池IC曲线影响因素 9不同充电电流倍率对容量增量曲线影响的差异 9不同温度对容量增量曲线影响的差异 10不同老化程度对容量增量曲线影响的差异 12

3.3锂电池SOH估算 13

3.3.1提取估算电池健康状态的容量增量曲线特征参数 13

3.3.2各曲线特征参数与电池老化的相关性计算 14

第4章老化模型 16

4.1老化模型分类 16

4.2选取老化模型 17

4.2.1介绍BP(back propagation)神经网络 17 BP神经网络具备的能力 17 BP神经网络的构成 17 BP神经网络的训练过程 20

4.2.2介绍算法 21遗传算法 21遗传算法的运转过程 23

4.3设计模型 24

4.3.1利用遗传算法对神经网络进行优化 24

4.3.2模型的建立和参数的选择 25

结论 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 30



在当今世界上,新能源汽车成为了汽车行业从业人员绕不开的话题。这里面既有传统化石燃料短缺的问题,如2010年的《BP世界能源统计》显示,截至2009年年底,全球已探明的石油储量为13331亿桶,以2009年的开采速度可开采45.7年[10];又与环保问题有关,如我国将环保写入基本国策。这些都是鞭策新能源汽车的成长重要因素。而电动汽车作为目前最接近替代传统汽车地位和技术最成熟的项目,遭受了资本的追捧与政府的大力扶持。如李克强总理在2016年2月24日召开的国务院常务会议上明确强调“支持发展新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业,加快实现动力电池革命性突破” [10];彰显了我国对电动车辆研发与大规模应用的重视。在这种背景下,制约电动汽车推广应用的最大问题——动力电池技术就变得格外值得研究摸索。


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