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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:06:13  

摘 要






The exhaust gas emitted by coal-fired thermal power plants is one of the main factors for the presence of pollutants such as soot and NOX gas in the atmosphere. At present, the main treatment measure to reduce NOX emissions is tail gas denitrification technology, which reacts with NOX by means of ammonia gas. Due to the time lag of the equipment, it is not possible to adjust the ammonia injection amount of the equipment according to the NOX concentration information in real time, which can easily cause the transient emission of NOX to exceed the standard. In order to alleviate the above problems, a data prediction and visualization system was designed using data processing and visualization techniques.

The system first uses Python-based data preprocessing technology to process the raw data into relatively clean and accurate data in steps. Secondly, the LSTM prediction model is designed, and the function relationship between different characteristics is found by using the processed data training and optimization model. After meeting the expected requirements, the model is used to predict the NOX content change trend. Finally, the Pyecharts plug-in is used to visually display the prediction results and equipment working parameters.

Based on the system, the staff can intuitively observe abnormal operating conditions, and the equipment can adjust the amount of ammonia injection in advance when NOX emissions are abnormal, reducing the ecological impact of NOX or excessive ammonia gas. In addition, further analysis of the data after mining can obtain more valuable information.

Key words: data preprocessing Long Short-Term Memory data visualization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 NOX浓度预测研究现状 2

1.2.2 数据可视化应用研究现状 2

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 3

1.4 本文组织结构 3

第2章 NOX减排数据预测系统及可视化平台的需求分析 5

2.1 业务流程分析 5

2.2 系统功能性需求 5

2.2.1 数据异常值处理 6

2.2.2 数据空缺值处理 6

2.2.3 数据噪声处理 6

2.2.4 数据稳态提取 7

2.2.5 数据特征选择和归一化 7

2.2.6 数据预测 8

2.2.7 数据可视化 9

2.3 本章小结 9

第3章 NOX减排数据预测系统及可视化平台的设计与实现 10

3.1 功能架构设计 10

3.2 功能模块设计与实现 10

3.2.1 数据异常值处理模块设计与实现 11

3.2.2 数据空缺值处理模块设计与实现 12

3.2.3 数据噪声处理模块设计与实现 12

3.2.4 数据稳态提取模块设计与实现 13

3.2.5 数据特征选择模块设计与实现 14

3.2.6 数据归一化模块设计与实现 16

3.2.7 预测模块设计与实现 16

3.2.8 可视化模块设计与实现 17

第4章 NOX减排数据预测系统及可视化平台的调优与展示 19

4.1 数据预测模型的调优与展示 19

4.2 可视化平台的展示 21

第5章 总结与展望 23

5.1 全文总结 23

5.2 展望 23

参考文献 25

致 谢 26



我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,属能源生产和消费大国。2018年中国发电总量约7.1万亿千瓦时,同比增长7.7%,排名世界第一。从发电结构来分析,2018年中国火力发电量近5.1万亿千瓦时,同比增长6.7%。火力发电约为发电总量的71.8%,占据绝对的主导地位。火力发电(Thermoelectricity power generation),即通过燃烧可燃物产生热能,并借助发电动力装置将热能转换为 电能的一种发电方式。根据燃料的不同,火力发电可分为燃煤发电、燃油发电和燃气发电。燃油发电主要通过燃烧燃料油和油页岩;燃气发电主要是天然气发电。我国煤炭资源储备丰富,以燃煤发电为主,2018年燃煤发电约4.7万亿千瓦时,是全球最大的燃煤发电生产国。

图1.1 2012年—2018年电力生产总量及火电生产总量

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