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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-09-19 19:37:24  

摘 要


为了完成相关的工作,本文轴系安装工艺是以2200集装箱船主机轴系作为例子进行确认其步骤;在这之后是以JH4146-425-01 RevO 推进轴系布置图作为重点研究对象,建立模型进行考虑分析。


  1. 介绍了船舶轴系的作用和分类,并且整理了其相关背景和前景;
  2. 制定了2200集装箱船主机轴系的安装工艺步骤;
  3. 完善了在安装步骤下各各流程的工艺基准;
  4. 简单描述了船舶横向振动的原理及危害;
  5. 利用ANSYS进行了相关的有限元分析。




With the ship toward the direction of the development of large-scale, large-scale ship shafting also into the process, to ensure the strength of the shaft, the shaft of the ship complete the installation, the shaft can be used to ensure that the ship safe and stable work becomes Particularly important. When calculated on the shaft natural frequency of vibration is generally directly to the hull as a rigid body, and the end face of the shaft is fixed directly to do processing, complete the calculation of shafting.

In order to complete the related work, this article is based on 2200 shafting installation process container ship shafting host as an example to confirm his step; after that is JH4146-425-01 RevO propulsion shafting layout as the focus of a research object model consider analysis.

Work of this paper are:

(1) Describes the role and classification of the ship shaft, and finishing its background and foreground.

(2) The development of the installation process step 2200 host container ship shafting

(3) Improve the technological benchmark in the installation process step Calvary

(4) A brief description of the principles and endanger the ship lateral vibration

(5) Finite element analysis of the relevant by ANSYS

In summary, this paper mainly from the research process to ensure the vitality of the ship shafting and shafting reliability of its performance, and to carry out an evaluation of the existing shaft by finite element analysis.

Keywords: ship shaft; installation process; finite element method; ship vibration


第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2船舶轴系安装的意义 1

1.3国内外发展现状 2

第二章 轴系作用和组成 3

2.1轴系的含义及作用 3

2.2轴系的分类 3

第三章 轴系安装工艺 5

3.1安装工艺的提前准备 5

3.2对安装工艺的要求 5

3.2.1操作要求: 5

3.2.2人员要求 6

3.3轴系安装工艺分类 6

3.4对工艺流程进行确认 7

3.4.1轴系中心线的确定 7

3.4.2轴系镗孔 11

3.4.3轴系安装 13

3.4.4尾轴的安装 13

3.4.5螺旋桨的安装 14

3.4.6推进轴的安装 14

3.4.7轴系校中 14

3.4.8轴封安装 16

第四章 横向振动及有限元分析 18

4.1横向振动 18

4.1.1横向振动的研究现状 18

4.1.2横向振动的原理 19

4.2传统的传递知阵法(Prohl法) 19

4.3利用ANSYS的有限元分析 21

4.3.1分析线路 21

4.3.2研究过程 23

第五章 总结与展望 27

5.1总结 27

5.2展望 27

致谢 30

参考文献 28

第一章 绪论





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