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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-07-13 01:04:37  

摘 要






关键词:高速客船 动力装置 主机选型 船舶管系 铅蓄电池


In this paper, "Class 98 high-speed passenger ship" as an example, the production of small high-speed passenger ships in the design process Main Propulsion Power Plant selection and economic demonstration and ship piping design for a more detailed description and calculation, and thematic essays used in the form of batteries and maintenance of the ship made specific requirements and methods.

It means a passenger ship designed for transporting passengers and their baggage and mail can ship. The marine main engine refers to the synthesis of the ship to ensure normal navigation, operations, berthing and crew, passengers must be the normal work and life of machinery and equipment. "Class 98 high-speed passenger ship main engine design," that is, to combine the two, in the design of the power plant when not only consider the technical indicators and performance indicators, but also consider the economic indicators.

The main contents include main propulsion Dimensioning and ship piping design and ship equipment apparatus. Main propulsion device selection includes selecting the host selection and determination of power estimation methods, preliminary estimates of main engine power, the host selection and economic feasibility studies, cabin equipment. Since conventional methods of power estimation method host Irish law generally more suitable for low speed merchant but for the fullness of modern high-speed and large merchant ship for error is large, the resistance coefficient frictional resistance applied to almost total resistance may represent low-speed ship, and HSC wave resistance greater proportion accounted for 80% of the frictional resistance will not drag coefficient law does not apply, so the Navy selected coefficient as the only way to "Class 98 high-speed passenger ship" host power estimates. Then according to the estimated coefficient naval power initially selected host mainframe models, then economic feasibility studies, and finally to determine the host selection.

After determining the host type, according to the host type, selected parent ship, empirical formulas, designs Ships, ship design speed and endurance, etc. criteria to select a cabin equipment, and then shows the calculation of ship piping design and other systems. These systems include: fuel system, lubrication system, cooling water systems, compressed air systems, exhaust systems, bilge systems, fire water system, cabin ventilation systems, domestic water systems, air conditioning systems, air pollution system and the whole ship and measurement systems. Finally, the ship battery power module separate report explained.

In this paper, the final regulations for the construction according to the high-speed

passenger ship, completed the "Class 98 high-speed passenger ship main engine design."

Keywords: high-speed passenger ship main engine host selection piping lead-acid battery


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题的背景与意义 1

1.2国内高速客船的发展 1

1.2.1客船及其分类 1

1.2.2我国客船发展历史 1

1.2.3我国高速客船的发展现状 2

1.2.4我国高速客船的发展前景 2

1.3论文的内容与结构 2

1.3.1设计过程 2

1.3.2论文结构 3

第2章 主机选型 4

2.1设计船舶的主要已知条件 4

2.1.1船型 4

2.1.2船舶主要尺寸 4

2.1.3航速,续航力 4

2.1.4燃油种类 4

2.2主机选型的技术经济性选型论证 4

2.2.1主机功率的估算 4

2.2.2选取主机型号 7

2.2.3所选主机的对比 7

2.3主机的确定 10

2.4本章小结 10

第3章 机械设备估算与选型 11

3.1设计依据 11

3.1.1船型 11

3.1.2船舶主要尺寸 11

3.1.3航速,续航力 11

3.1.4燃油种类 11

3.1.5环境参数 11

3.2航行设备 11

3.2.1主机(2台) 11

3.2.2柴油发电机组(2组) 12

3.2.3应急蓄电池组 12

3.2.4燃油锅炉 13

3.3动力系统计算 13

3.3.1燃油系统 13

3.3.2滑油系统 15

3.3.3冷却水系统 16

3.3.4压缩空气系统 18

3.3.5排气系统 18

3.3.6舱底水系统 19

3.3.8水消防系统 20

3.3.10机舱通风系统 21

3.3.11生活水系统(供水系统) 23

3.3.12空调系统 23

3.3.13防污染系统 23

3.3.14全船空气及测量系统 23

3.3.15本章小结 24

第4章 轮机说明书 25

4.1 总述 25

4.2 主机及推进装置 25

4.3 柴油发电机组 25

4.4 机舱布置 25

4.5 轴系 25

4.6 主机遥控系统及操舵系统 26

4.7 动力系统 26

4.7.1 燃油系统 26

4.7.3冷却水系统 26

4.7.4 排气系统及布置 27

4.8 船舶系统 27

4.8.1 舱底水系统 27

4.8.2 消防系统 27

4.10机舱通风系统 27

4.11 防污染系统 28

4.12 空调系统 28

4.13 全船空气及测量系统 28

4.13.1 28

4.13.2 28

4.13.3 空气管的高度 28

4.14 压缩空气系统 28

4.15本章小结 28

第5章 设备明细表 29

98客位高速客船动力装置设备明细表 29

第6章 专题小论文 31

船用蓄电池及其维护与保养 31

摘要: 31

一 铅蓄电池的构造 31

二 电解液 32

三 蓄电池的工作原理 33

四 蓄电池的维护和保养 34

参考文献 36

第7章 结束语 37

参考文献 38

致谢 39

第1章 绪论










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