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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 23:54:23  

摘 要






Cylinder head is a fastener of diesel engine, and also is the diesel engine combustion room part, its working performance influences not only the combustion chamber sealing, but also affects the accuracy and reliability of the other accessories. Marine diesel engine cylinder head has various structure types, different construction, more channels and inhomogeneous wall thickness. It not only in the suffer of explosion pressure and high temperature gas strongly of diesel engine periodically, susceptible to corrosion, but also bear high mechanical load and thermal load, resulting in cylinder head wear far short of the limit on the early retirement .Remanufacturing of high-quality, highly efficiency, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, which currently has been aroused great national attention. Therefore, the application of surface technology in the remanufacturing of large marine diesel engine cylinder head can not only make the performance and quality of the remanufactured cylinder head reached or more than a new manufactured product size, reflect the energy saving, material saving and emission reduction effect, but also promote resource saving, environment friendly society construction effectively.

In this paper, based on the application status of the application of surface technology in cylinder head remanufacturing, the failure mechanism of marine diesel engine cylinder head of is analyzed. As the working condition and failure mechanism of marine diesel engine cylinder head valve seat we known: the failure of the cylinder head valve seat is mainly abrasive wear, fatigue wear, corrosion wear, fretting wear and composite wear. And then establish the process flow of cylinder head, and conform the preparation technology and the processing technology of the coating.

Because the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, high temperature resistance performance of the valve seat coating material is excellent ,and also well in thermal stability, oxidation resistance, powder alloy material cooling. Therefore, the Ni-01 coating was prepared by plasma welding technology for valve seat, and the coating thickness was ensured according to the coating material, coating method, workpiece size and wear limit. On the basis of plasma surfacing technology, sele tion characteristics, machining accuracy, basic law of cutting and processing properties using rough boring-semi fine boring-fine boring processing method, and choose the suitable cutting tools and cutting parameters, determine the valve seat machining allowance, preparation of excellent properties of remanufacturing cylinder head.

Key words:cylinder head; valve seat; wear; plasma surfacing


第1章 绪言 1

1.1课题提出的背景、目的和意义 1

1.2再制造技术 1

1.2.1国外再制造技术的发展状况 2

1.2.2国内再制造技术的发展状况 2

1.3表面技术 3

1.3.1 表面技术的分类 3

1.3.2表面技术在气缸盖底面的应用现状 3

1.3.3表面技术在气门座上的应用现状 4

1.4本论文的主要工作及研究内容 5

1.5本章小结 5

第2章 船舶柴油机气缸盖失效机理分析 6

2.1船舶柴油机气缸盖的结构 6

2.2船舶柴油机气缸盖材料 6

2.2.1对气门座材料的要求 6

2.2.2气门座材料 7

2.3船舶柴油机的失效机理 7

2.3.1气缸盖底面裂纹 7

2.3.2气缸盖气门座的磨损 8

2.3.3气门座的烧伤和裂纹 8

2.4本章小结 9

第3章 船舶柴油机气缸盖再制造工艺 10

3.1船舶柴油机气缸盖的再制造工艺流程 10

3.2拆解 10

3.3清洗 11

3.4检测 11

3.5再制造修复 12

3.6再制造气缸盖气门座的性能检测 12

3.7组装 13

3.8本章小结 14

第4章 船舶柴油机气缸盖气门座涂层设计 15

4.1气缸盖气门座涂层材料必须满足的性能及条件 15

4.2气缸盖气门座防腐耐磨涂层材料的选择 15

4.3喷涂工艺确定 16

4.4喷涂厚度确定 16

4.5本章小结 17

第5章 气缸盖涂层制备工艺的制定 18

5.1堆焊前的准备 18

5.2选择等离子堆焊设备及参数 18

5.3等离子堆焊形成过程和焊后处理 19

5.4本章小结 20

第6章 气缸盖涂层加工工艺的制定 21

6.1工艺过程确定 21

6.1.1定位基准的选择 21

6.1.2零件表面加工方法的选择 21

6.2确定涂层切削刀具和切削用量 21

6.2.1对刀具材料的选择 21

6.2.2切削用量的选择 22

6.3确定加工余量和加工精度以满足图纸要求。 22

6.4本章小结 23

第7章 结论 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪言


气缸盖是柴油机的一种紧固件,也是柴油机燃烧室的组成部分,其工作性能的好坏不仅影响燃烧室的密封性,还影响到其他附件工作的准确性和可靠性。船舶柴油机气缸盖的结构型式和孔道繁多,结构各异,壁厚不均。它不仅受到柴油机的爆发压力和高温气体的周期性作用,而且要承受较高的机械负荷与热负荷,再加上冷却水造成腐蚀和缸头螺栓的机械应力作用等 [1]。正是由于气缸盖在如此恶劣的条件下工作,导致气缸盖变成一个冷热不均,受力复杂的易损部件,这使气缸盖的使用寿命下降并影响了柴油机的工作可靠性。因此,如何对气缸盖进行修复已经成为一个亟待解决的问题。




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