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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-06-30 23:51:53  

摘 要


利用气相化学动力学软件CHEMKIN探究了N2、CO2、H2O三种稀释气体对LNG燃料层流燃烧特性的影响,计算了不同初始条件下分别添加N2、CO2、H2O三种稀释气体时天然气燃料的层流燃烧速度,并结合火焰结构分析、敏感性分析和基元反应速率分析对三种稀释气体的影响进行了阐释。结果表明:层流燃烧速度随着稀释比例的增大逐渐降低,随着当量比的增大先升高后降低,速度峰值出现在当量比1.0与1.0之间;随着稀释比增大,混合气的可燃当量比范围变窄;绝热火焰温度随稀释比增大而下降,CO2稀释时下降最明显;加入稀释气后,主要活性基(H、OH、O、CH3)浓度降低;OH和H是浓度最高的两种活性基,层流燃烧速度与这两种活性基浓度之和的峰值max[H OH]密切相关。






The energy situation and environmental pollution we humans facing are more and more seriously. To solve those two tough problems, one effective approach is reducing the use of gasoline and diesel, promoting the use of alternative clean fuels. Natural gas is an ideal choice of alternative clean fuel for its advantages over gasoline and diesel such as excellent anti-knock quality, low emission as well as low price. When natural gas engine is running, it will produce NOx emissions. High compression ratio will increase natural gas engines’ thermal and mechanical loads and reduce reliability. Using EGR technologies or adding dilution into intake can solve emission and reliability problems. Natural gas often contains diluent gases and its component varies in different producing areas. Considerations should be taken when using natural gas fuel.

Based on CHEMKIN package, this research has explored the effects of three diluent gases including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor on the laminar burning characteristics of LNG fuel. Calculations are made and laminar burning velocities in different initial condition and different dilution ratio of three gases are acquired. Explanation of the effects of diluent gases are made by means of analyses of flame structure, sensitivity coefficients and reaction rates. The results show that laminar burning velocities decrease with the increase of dilution ratio. When equivalence ratio increases, laminar burning velocities firstly increase and then decrease. Peaks of those velocities appear at equivalence ratio between 1.0 and 1.1. With the increase of dilution ratio, flammability limits of mixtures become narrower. Adiabatic flame temperatures also decrease as dilution ratio increases, and CO2 dilution shows a sharpest downward trend of this temperature. Mole fraction of major active radicals including OH, H, O, CH3 decrease due to the presence of three kinds of diluent gas. OH and H are the top two active radicals and the maximum of the sum of their mole fraction max[H OH] is closely related to laminar burning velocities.

In addition, several virtual dilution species are designed in this research and calculations of laminar burning velocities are made when adding these species into fuel/air mixture. By comparing the simulation results of virtual species and true diluent gases, three effects of dilutions in natural gas/air flame including dilution effects, thermal effects and chemical effects have been distinguished. Results show that thermal effects of all three diluent gases play a dominant role in the suppression of laminar burning velocity. Nitrogen have physical effects including thermal and dilution effect on laminar burning velocity, but it have no chemical effect on it. Carbon dioxide’s chemical effect reduces with higher dilution ratio and dilution and thermal effects contribute more. Contributions of three effects of water vapor are relatively stable when dilution ratio varies and dilution effect is the minimal effect.

Using those virtual species designed, this research has analyzed the chemical effects of carbon dioxide and water vapor on active radicals in laminar flame of natural gas and production of carbon monoxide. Results show that chemical effect of carbon dioxide will decrease the mole fractions of OH and H radicals. On the contrary, mole fraction of carbon monoxide will increase. Chemical effect of water vapor can increase the mole fractions of OH radicals and reduce the mole fractions of H radical and carbon monoxide. By the way, the total effects of these two diluent gases will reduce carbon monoxide’s mole fraction.

Finally, this research represent real EGR gas with complete combustion products where equivalence ratio equals to 1.0. Calculations of laminar burning velocities, mole fractions of active radicals, and temperature and heat production rate profiles in the condition of EGR gas dilution have been made. Results show that nitrogen is the main component of EGR gas and calculated values of those properties are between the results of nitrogen dilution and water vapor dilution.

Keywords: LNG fuel, Diluent gases, Laminar burning characteristics, CHEMKIN

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