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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 23:26:14  

摘 要






It's mainly introduced the plant model selection and arrangement design of a 7000DWT chemical tanker. The design is divided into several steps,including the main engine selection , estimation and selection of various mechanical equipment in the engine room,the count and design of pipeline system.Finally,the result of the design and count should be submitted in thesis, and use AutoCAD draw five 1 # the engine room and cargo pump room layout.

Ensure that the ship's power, reliability and economy are the most important requirements for ship design. The engine room is the driving force of the core module of the ship. Most of the equipment on the ship are concentrated in the engine room. Based on the calculation of equipment in the engine room type selection, choose the appropriate main engine, auxiliary engine and all kinds of auxiliary equipment, is to ensure that the premise of power, reliability and economy of the ship. For equipment in the engine room selection and layout design, it is necessary to ensure adequate power and power reserves to meet the relevant regulatory requirements of various auxiliary equipment, to ensure that the power and reliability of the ship; at the same time, to avoid excessive power reserve, power waste, improve the efficiency of the equipment operation; finally, through the reasonable layout design, try to reduce the engine room occupied space, improve the cargo or cabin capacity, improve the operating income, improve operating efficiency of the ship. For 7000 DWT chemical tanker,we will consider when designing the ship kind of particularity, design considerations will comprehensively, due to the transport of goods of mostly for dangerous goods,

This paper states the general idea and main methods about the plant model selection and arrangement design, develops subject study mode and can be used as a reference of practical ship design and similar project study.

Key words: the main engine selection ; estimation and selection of various mechanical equipment in the engine room; the count and design of pipeline system;AutoCAD drawing;

the engine room and cargo pump room layout

目 录

摘 要 3

目 录 5

第1章 绪论 1

1.1综述 1

1.2已知条件 2

第2章 主机选型 3

2.1概述 3

2.2给定技术参数 3

2.3爱尔法估算有效功率 3

2.5机浆初步匹配计算(转速n给定)-MAU浆 5

2.4选定主机型号 6

2.4.1主机详细参数 7

第3章 机舱设备估算及选型 8

3.1燃油系统 8

3.1.1主机燃油消耗量 8

3.1.2辅机燃油消耗量 8

3.1.3 辅锅炉燃油消耗量 8

3.1.4油舱总容积 9

3.1.5主机日用油柜容积 9

3.1.6辅机日用油柜容积 10

3.1.7辅锅炉日用油柜容积 10

3.1.8油渣柜容积 10

3.1.9污油柜容积 10

3.1.10沉淀柜容积 10

3.1.11燃油输送泵 11

3.1.12燃油分油机排量及数量 11

3.2滑油系统 12

3.2.1滑油储油舱 12

3.2.2 主机主滑油泵组 13

3.2.3主机滑油循环柜 13

3.2.4滑油沉淀柜 13

3.2.5污油柜 13

3.2.6滑油油渣柜 13

3.2.7滑油输送泵 13

3.2.8滑油分油机 13

3.3冷却水系统 14

3.3.1膨胀水箱 14

3.3.2主机海水冷却泵组 14

3.3.3 主机淡水冷却泵组 14

3.3.4海水总管直径计算 15

3.4压缩空气管系 16

3.4.1主机起动空气瓶 16

3.4.2主空气压缩机计算 16

3.4.3辅机空气瓶 16

3.4.4瘫船后重新起动主机所需时间的估算 16

3.5机舱舱底水系统 17

3.5.1机泵舱舱底水总管内径 17

3.5.2机舱舱底水支管通径 17

3.5.3 舱底水泵排量 17

3.5.4舱底水油水分离器 18

3.5.5 舱底水舱容积 18

3.6消防系统 18

3.6.1水消防系统 18

3.6.2 CO2消防系统 18

3.7机舱通风机 20

3.8压载水系统 20

3.9供水和用水装置 20

3.9.1淡水压力柜 20

3.9.2淡水压力柜供水泵 21

3.9.3淡水处理系统 21

第4章(轮机)设备明细表 22

第5章 轮机说明书 24

5.1总则 24

5.2主机 24

5.3齿轮箱 25

5.3轴系及螺旋桨 25

5.4发电机组 26

5.4.1发电机组使用使用情况 26

5.4.2柴油机 26

5.4.3发电机 27

5.5各系统说明 27

5.5.1燃油系统 27

5.5.2滑油系统 28

5.5.3冷却系统 28

5.5.4 压缩空气系统 30

5.5.5锅炉蒸汽给水、凝水和舱柜加热系统 30

5.5.6 CO2灭火管系 31

5.5.7机舱灭火系统 32

5.5.8舱底、压载、消防系统 32

5.5.9通风管系 32

5.5.10透气、测量、注入管系 33

5.5.11全船生活与供水系统 33

5.5.12全船疏排水及粪便处理管系 33

5.5.13全船空调及通风系统 34

5.5.14货油输油管系 36

5.5.15货油扫舱系统 36

5.5.16专用压载水管系 36

5.5.17排油监控系统 36

5.5.18货油舱甲板洒水管系 37

5.5.19货油舱蒸汽加热管系 37

5.5.20甲板泡沫灭火系统 38

5.5.21货油舱测量透气管系 39

5.5.22货油舱洗舱管系 39

5.5.23可燃气体及氧气测量 40

5.5.24货油舱报警系统 40

第6章 结论 41

致 谢 42

参考文献 43

第1章 绪论

所谓“化学品船”就是:建造或改装用于运载各种易燃的、易挥发、有腐蚀性或有毒的化学物质的货船。《国际散化规划》(IBC code)的定义是:建造或改装成用于散装运输液态化学品货物的货船。其设计、建造、运行和监控的标准都是极其严格的。








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