2021-03-21 23:55:58
摘 要
With the development of the economy, people's requirements for the car is not just a means of transport, its comfort, safety and body electrical appliances have a higher demand! In the development trend of the car, more and more electronic products replace the previous simple mechanical parts, and gradually to the intelligent. Complex work environment on board electronic products, and therefore its chip packaging technology has become part of the automotive industry can not be ignored. At present, flip-chip technology is the mainstream of chip packaging technology, and the next fill is to improve the reliability of flip-chip package key technology.
The traditional technology of under-fill process faces the challenge of insufficient capillary of driving force because of high-density and large-size flip-chip. Therefore, some studies propose a new technology of under-fill process assisted by ultrasonic vibration, which adopts a formulaic method with ultrasonic vibration involved in under-fill process, in order to solve current issues on under-fill technology comprehensively.
Based on the technology of under-fill process assisted by ultrasonic vibration, this thesis studies on its parameters, does experiments of chink height, ultrasonic frequency and amplitude to make improvements of under-fill technology, and provides suggestions on under-fill technology with flip-chip.
Key words: ultrasonic vibration;underfill process;fluid acceleration;process parameter
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1倒装芯片简介 1
1.2传统的倒装芯片下填充工艺流程 2
1.2.1加压辅助下填充 3
1.2.2真空辅助下填充 3
1.2.3重力辅助下填充 3
1.2.4非传统工艺的下填充技术的发展 3
1.3传统下填充工艺中超声波振动的引入 3
1.4本课题研究目的及意义 4
第2章 超声波辅助下填充实验设计 5
2.1实验仪器与材料 5
2.1.1超声波设备 5
2.1.2夹具 6
2.1.3高速摄像机 7
2.1.4底部填充胶 8
2.1.5基板 8
2.1.6芯片 8
2.1.7塞尺 9
2.1.8 千分表 9
2.2超声波下填充速度的影响因素 10
2.2.1温度 10
2.2.2振动幅度 10
2.2.3 缝隙高度 11
2.2.4超声波频率 11
2.3实验方案设计 11
2.3.1实验操作方法 11
2.3.2实验基本路线 12
2.3.3实验参数处理方案 13
2.4本章小结 15
第3章 实验结果与分析 16
3.1振幅值与振幅百分比关系测定 16
3.2频率对下填充速率影响测定实验 16
3.2.1实验数据处理 17
3.2.2实验结果分析 17
3.3振幅与缝隙高度对填充胶流速影响实验 18
3.4工具头压力与材料对下填充过程影响实验 19
3.5本章小结 21
第4章 总结 22
4.1成果总结 22
4.2本文存在的不足之处 22
4.3研究展望 22
参考文献 24
致 谢 25
第1章 绪论
由于电子产品向着小型化、薄型化、I/O 端数的增加的方向发展,传统的引线键合互连无法满足技术要求,倒装芯片技术应运而生。倒装技术的主要功能是提供电流通路,对信号进行分配;防止外界环境对芯片和器件产生影响,干扰信号的传输;还可提高导热性、降低芯片的工作温度。
20世纪60年代,美国的国际商业机器公司(IBM)研发了一种芯片的封装技术——倒装芯片技术[1]。该倒装芯片通过采用铬-铜-金合金令凸点下方金属化(UBM,即Under-bumping Metallurgy),同时采用陶瓷基板以缩小硅芯片与基板之间的热膨胀系数差距。相较于目前所用的有机基板,其成本太高,限制了倒装芯片的应用。Nakano等人通过在硅芯片中加入有机树脂,来缩小其热膨胀系数的差距,降低了倒装芯片的成本,同时提高了封装的可靠性,有机基板的应用因此得到推广[2]。如图1.1所示,为倒装芯片的基本结构。