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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:21:45  

摘 要


本文首先应用 GT-POWER 软件建立某四缸发动机的仿真模型,包括进气系统的声学模型,并通过与发动机的动力性和经济性的实验数据对比标定模型的准确性,总体误差控制在5%以内。以进气消声器的传递损失和插入损失为主要研究参数,通过仿真分析,得到进气系统的声学性能参数的特性曲线,发现在频率为250~450Hz的范围内,进气系统的消声效果不理想,传递损失均在20dB以下。

其次,针对特定的消声元件,如赫姆霍兹谐振腔、1/4 波长管和扩张管等,进行消声元件对进气系统声学性能的影响研究,分别改变赫姆霍兹谐振腔的容积、波长管直径、扩张腔直径、扩张腔长度等,总结出消声元件的参数变化对消声效果的影响规律。计算结果表明:不同的消声器结构参数对应于不同的传递损失,也即不同的消声效果。谐振腔体积越大,共振频率越小;1/4 波长管的截面积之比越大,最大传递损失越大;扩张腔的扩张腔直径越大,传递损失越大。




With the continuous increase in the amount of car ownership, car noise has caused a harsh impact on people's lives and work, and even the damage of the human body health also can not be ignored. The noise of the engine intake system is an important part of the automobile noise. It is of great theoretical and strong engineering application value to study the acoustic performance of the engine intake system with the aim of controlling the noise of the engine intake system.

In this paper, the simulation model of a four-cylinder engine is established by using GT-POWER software, including the acoustic model of the intake system, and the accuracy of the calibration model is compared with the experimental data of the engine's dynamical and economic. The overall error is controlled at 5% within. Taking the transmission loss and insertion loss of the intake muffler as the main research parameters, the characteristic curve of the acoustic performance parameters of the intake system is obtained by simulation analysis. It is found that the muffling effect of the intake system is not in the range of 250 ~ 450Hz ideal, and transmission losses are below 20dB.

Secondly, the influence of the muffler on the acoustic performance of the intake system is studied for the specific silencer, such as the Helmholtz resonator, the 1/4 wavelength tube and the expansion tube, respectively. Volume, diameter of the wavelength tube, the diameter of the expansion chamber, the length of the expansion chamber, and so on, and summarizes the influence of the parameters of the muffler on the muffling effect. The results show that different muffler structural parameters correspond to different transmission losses, that is, different muffler effects. The larger the resonant cavity volume, the smaller the resonant frequency; the larger the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the 1/4 wavelength tube, the greater the maximum transmission loss; the larger the diameter of the expansion chamber in the expansion chamber, the greater the transmission loss.

Finally, according to the influence of the parameters of the muffler component on the transmission loss, the air intake system is coupled with the engine, and the type, position and structure of the silencer in the intake system are changed. Gas system for acoustic simulation and optimization design, in order to get a good air intake system acoustic characteristic. The original scheme of the two resonant cavities and a quarter-wavelength tube into a expansion tube, a resonant cavity and a quarter-wavelength tube, the three kinds of silencer components of the relative position of the combination. It is found that the resonant cavity-1/4-wavelength tube-expansion tube is the best permutation order, adjust the structural size of the three muffler elements, increase the resonant cavity volume, increase the diameter of the cavity connecting pipe and increase the length of the wavelength tube. The simulation results show that the muffler effect of the optimized intake system is improved obviously, the wake frequency band is increased from 200 ~ 250Hz to 180 ~ 640Hz, and the maximum transmission loss is increased from 54dB to 78dB.

Keywords: Engine, intake system, muffler, simulation, GT-POWER


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 IV

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3主要研究内容 3

第2章 发动机GT模型的建立与标定 4

2.1发动机模型的建立 4

2.2发动机模型的标定 6

2.3标定后的发动机模型进气系统分析 7

2.4本章小结 9

第3章 进气系统结构对声学性能的影响规律研究 10

3.1进气系统声学性能基础 10

3.1.1进气噪声来源 10

3.1.2消声器的种类及特点 10

3.1.3进气系统消声性能评价指标 11

3.2赫姆霍兹谐振腔结构参数对声学性能的影响规律研究 12

3.3 1/4波长管结构参数对声学性能的影响规律研究 16

3.4 扩张管结构参数对声学性能的影响规律研究 21

3.5本章小结 24

第4章 某轿车进气系统噪声控制与优化设计 26

4.1某轿车进气系统噪声分析 26

4.2进气系统优化方案设计 27

4.3本章小结 33

第5章 总结与展望 34

5.1全文总结 34

5.2 研究展望 35

致谢 36

参考文献: 37

第1章 绪论






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