2020-07-11 18:17:17
摘 要
关键词:低温省煤器 排烟热损失 节约能源 热力计算 结构计算
Design of 500kW Low Temperature Economizer for High Dust Flue Gas
In China's power production industry, thermal power based on the use of media as a fuel still occupies a dominant position. However, in the country's emphasis on energy conservation and environmental protection, how to increase the efficiency of fuel use and reduce the loss of coal-fired heat becomes A problem that must be solved, and low-temperature economizer is a device that was invented to save the burning of coal used for boiler combustion.
Exhaust heat loss is an important heat loss in the boiler operation. The economizer is a device installed at the bottom of the flue of the boiler to heat the boiler feed water into the heated surface of the saturated water under the pressure of the steam drum. The device absorbs heat from the exhausted high-temperature flue gas, reduces the flue gas exhaust temperature, saves energy and improves efficiency.
In foreign countries, economizers have been applied very early, and many countries have used economizers in boiler systems. A German power plant installed flue gas between the dust collector and the desulfurization tower of the generator set. The chiller, by heating the steam, obtains condensate, as does the economizer.
This article also describes the problems that may arise during the operation of the economizer, and discusses possible causes of the problems and summarizes solutions. At the same time, the corresponding data is calculated by thermal calculation and structural calculation. Finally, the overall structure and the structure of some parts are drawn by CAD.
Keywords: low temperature economizer ,exhaust heat loss, energy saving ,thermal calculation, structural calculation
500kW高含尘烟气低温省煤器的设计 I
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题的研究意义 1
1.3 国内外关于低温省煤器的研究现状 2
1.4 低温省煤器的基本原理 3
1.5 低温省煤器常见的问题/原因及解决方案 4
1.5.1低温省煤器受热面的腐蚀 4
1.5.2常见的低温省煤器的受热面积灰 5
1.5.3低温省煤器受热面磨损 5
1.6设计内容以及研究手段 6
第二章 500KW高含尘烟气低温省煤器的设计 7
任务要求: 7
2.1 工艺参数 7
2.2 设计流程 7
2.2.1塑料管原件的基本选择 7
2.2.2塑料的材料选择 7
2.2.3传热量Q的计算 8
2.2.6计算求出总的传热系数 13
2.2.8计算求出换热器的纵深方向上的管子 15
2.2.9计算求出通过钢管换热器当中的压力降 16
2.2.10计算求出第一排的管子的工作温度 18
2.2.11强度的校核 19
第三章 总结 20
参考文献: 21
致谢 23
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景
1.2 课题的研究意义