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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 风能与动力工程 > 正文


 2022-06-16 21:33:47  


摘 要




关键词:废轮胎 气化 整胎 热分析 活化能

Experimental study on the co-gasification of the whole waste tire and biomass


With the development of economy, the automobile industry is more and more prosperous, so the recycling of waste tire is becoming more and more prominent. The tire belongs to the rubber polymer, leading to a natural degradation of more than 100 years. In order to further enhance the utilization rate and reduce the pollution to the environment, thermochemical treatment becomes the focus of research.

To reduce the cost of the pretreatment of the tires, the reversing-burning fixed-bed furnace was used to gasify the whole waste tires. Biomass can be used to adjust the C, H and O of raw materials to improve the gas quality. The researches of the gasification of waste tires are as follows: Firstly, the experiments of waste tire under different conditions including mass ratio, granularity and heating rate, were carried out by the Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer(STA) to investigate the gasification characteristics. The dynamic parameters of waste tire were calculated by two kinds of thermal analysis (Coats-Redfern and DAEM). Reversing-burning fixed-bed furnace was used to gasify whole tire and biomass to test the impact of different mass ratio of waste tire on gasification efficiency, gas calorific value, product components and the yield.

The results show that, the gasification process of waste tire can be divided into three process including drying(lt;120℃), volatiles separating out(200℃~480℃), coke generating(gt;480℃). Biomass can increase the content of H and decrease the pyrolysis temperature. The particle size can increase the scale of heat and mass transfer, enhancing the reaction temperature.. The activation energy distribution interval of waste tire were calculated between 9.17kJ/mol~272.18kJ/mol by DAEM model, the activation energy of each stage was consistent with the gasification partition Whole tire can be gasified effectively, and the gasification efficiency reached 60%.In order to improve the gas calorific value and the gas production rate ,the mass ratio of waste tire should be controlled around 50%.

Key words: Waste tire; Gasification; Whole tire; Thermoanalysis; Activation energy

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 3

1.1 背景与意义 3

1.2 废轮胎利用方式分类 1

1.3 废轮胎热化学处理研究概况 3

1.3.1 国外研究现状 3

1.3.2 国内研究现状 3

1.4 本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 实验部分 3

2.1 实验原料 3

2.2 热分析 3

2.1.1 实验装置 3

2.1.2 实验步骤 3

2.1.3 实验条件 3

2.1.4 数据处理 3

2.3 废轮胎整胎与生物质共气化实验 3

2.2.1 实验设备 3

2.2.2 实验步骤 3

2.2.3 实验条件 3

2.2.4 数据处理 3

第三章 结果与讨论 3

3.1 废轮胎气化特性的热重分析 3

3.1.1 废轮胎与生物质共热解特性 3

3.1.2 废轮胎与生物质共气化特性 3

3.1.3 废轮胎粒度对气化结果的影响 3

3.1.4 不同升温速率对废轮胎气化特性的影响 3

3.2 废轮胎气化动力学研究 3

3.3 废整胎试验中废轮胎质量比对气化结果的影响 3

第四章 结论与展望 3

4.1 结论 3

4.2 展望 3

参考文献 3

致谢 3

第一章 绪论

1.1 背景与意义

随着经济的发展,汽车行业愈加繁荣,废轮胎的回收利用问题也逐渐凸显出来。据中国橡胶工业协会统计,2012年我国产生废旧轮胎2.8亿条,成为废轮胎年产量最大的国家[1]。废轮胎属于橡胶高分子材料,自然降解需要100年以上[2]。若将废轮胎长久堆积,不仅会占用大量土地,而且容易引起火灾,对环境带造成很大的危害[3]。但是如果我们能将废旧轮胎视作宝贵的资源,而不是“垃圾”,并且充分循环利用,便能消除废轮胎造成的“黑色污染”。而且据资料表明[4-5],我国是世界第一大橡胶消费国,同时也是世界第一大橡胶进口国,因此橡胶的利用问题也愈加重要。目前,废橡胶的回收利用项目已列入《中国21 世纪议程》方案中[6-7],故对废旧轮胎回收利用的研究就显得相当重要。


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