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毕业论文网 > 文献综述 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2020-04-15 16:52:25  


Multi-materialdesigns for complex lightweight applications become more and more important inthe context of reducing fossil fuel consumption and subsequent exhaustemissions. Electromagnetic forming (EMF) can be used to plastically deform lessductile materials (e.g. Mg and Al compared to steel), reduce spring back, and/orcreate a solid-state weld between dissimilar materials. Thus, there are variousniche applications in the automotive, aerospace, and biomedical industries forthis technology.

Electromagneticforming theory involves multidisciplinary content such as electricity, electromagnetism, and electrodynamics. Due to the complexity of electricity, electromagnetism,electrodynamics and the imperfection of plasticity itself, especially theinteraction between the discharge process and the high-speed deformationprocess of the blank during electromagnetic forming, the theoretical study ofelectromagnetic forming is very complicated and difficult. At present, thereare still many problems in the field of electromagnetic forming that need to befurther studied and solved.

In1958, the United States General Electric Company exhibited the world's first electromagneticforming machine at the second International Peace Atomic Energy Conference inGeneva. In 1962, Brower and Harrey of the United States inventedelectromagnetic forming machines for industrial production. Since then,electromagnetic forming has attracted extensive attention and high attentionfrom various industrial countries. The research on electromagnetic formingtechnology has achieved many application results, among which the United Statesand the former Soviet Union are in a leading position in this field. In theearly 1970s, the former Soviet Union experts studied the influence of blankdeformation on the discharge loop parameters of the machining coil and blanksystem during the discharge process, and pointed out that the RLC circuit can onlybe approximated when it is small deformation; In 1979, the magnetic fielddistribution of the flat coil was studied, and the unevenness of the distribution(the weak center and the strongest 1/2 radius of the coil) was the main reasonfor the insufficient stamping at the center of the blank. In the mid-1960s,electromagnetic forming machines with energy storage of 50kJ, 200kJ and 400kJappeared. More than 400 electromagnetic forming machines were used in variousproduction lines in the mid-1970s. In the mid-1980s, electromagnetic formingwas widely used in the United States, the former Soviet Union, Japan and othercountries. In 1994, Makoto Marata studied the method of electromagnetic bulgingof tube material by direct contact of electrodes. Through the experimentalanalysis, the influence of working conditions on current and tube deformationwas studied. The elastoplastic analysis of its bulging process was carried outby finite element method.

Theresearch on electromagnetic forming technology in China began in the 1960s andwas interrupted during the Cultural Revolution. In the late 1970s, HarbinInstitute of Technology began to study the basic theory and process ofelectromagnetic forming, and on the basis of experimental devices, successfullydeveloped the first electromagnetic forming machine for production in China in1986. At present, many universities and research institutes in China havecarried out research on electromagnetic forming technology and applied it toactual production.







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