2022-01-09 19:08:56
摘 要
关键词:清洁能源 风光发电 日前调度 不确定性 粒子群优化算法
Study on generation plan considering wind and solar clean energy and load matching
The economy of modern society presents a state of rapid development, with the large use of resources, and the resulting environmental pollution. Therefore, the development of renewable energy such as wind energy and solar energy has become the top priority. However, the utilization of wind and solar energy will be affected by the distance, time, weather and so on, which makes wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation have intermittent, random and fluctuating problems, which also greatly limits the development of wind power generation.
In order to improve the power grid's absorptivity for wind power and photoelectric power, solve the problems of power quality fluctuation and system stability damage caused by wind power grid connection, we integrate wind power generation, photovoltaic power generation and thermal power generation television into a wind power generation joint system, and make a 24-hour power generation scheduling plan for the joint system.
Through the study of wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation output characteristics, analyze their temporal and spatial correlation, and determine the mathematical models of wind power generation, photovoltaic power generation and thermal power generation. First, the objective function of the day ahead dispatching plan is determined as the coal consumption cost and the pollutant emission cost of the thermal power unit. Then, the power plant unit, the wind turbine unit, the unit output of the photovoltaic unit, the startup and downtime of the thermal power unit, the climbing speed and the positive and negative rotation reserve of the thermal power unit are taken as constraints, and the particle swarm algorithm is applied to solve the scheduling model.
The power generation plan will calculate the equivalent load based on the load data of the previous 24 hours, and the data of wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation will be predicted based on the weather conditions in the weather forecast. For the part where the predicted value of wind power generation is inconsistent with the actual value, in order to ensure the safety of the system during operation,in this paper, the method of interval prediction is adopted for the output of wind turbine generator, and the output value is expressed as upper and lower limits of the interval.
Key words: Clean energy; Wind power generation; Day ahead scheduling; Uncertainty; Particle swarm optimization algorithm
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2风力发电和光伏发电的发展状态 1
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1国内研究现状 3
1.3.2国外研究现状 4
1.4本文主要研究内容 4
第二章 风电与光伏的出力特性与数学模型 5
2.1引言 5
2.2风力发电特性 5
2.2.1风力发电的时间相关性 5
2.2.2风力发电的空间相关性 6
2.2.3风力发电与负荷之间的关系 7
2.2.4风力发电数学模型 7
2.3光伏发电特性 8
2.3.1光伏发电的时间相关性 8
2.3.2光伏发电的空间相关性 9
2.3.3光伏发电与负荷之间的关系 10
2.3.4光伏发电数学模型 10
2.4本章小结 12
第三章 含风电、光伏和火电的日前调度计划 13
3.1引言 13
3.2目标函数 13
3.3约束条件 14
3.3.1系统负荷平衡约束 14
3.3.2火力发电出力约束 14
3.3.3风力发电出力约束 15
3.3.4光伏发电出力约束 15
3.3.5旋转备用约束 15
3.4改进的免疫粒子群优化算法 16
3.4.1粒子群算法基本原理 17
3.4.2粒子群算法流程 18
3.4.3改进的免疫粒子群算法 19
3.5算例分析 21
3.6本章小结 23
第四章 考虑风电和光伏不确定性的调度计划 24
4.1引言 24
4.2 风光发电功率输出表示 24
4.2.1目标函数 24
4.2.2系统负荷平衡约束 25
4.2.3风力发电输出功率约束 25
4.2.4光伏发电输出功率约束 25
4.2.5旋转备用约束 26
4.3鲁棒优化理论 26
4.3.1鲁棒优化理论基本原理 26
4.3.2实现方法 27
4.4算例分析 28
4.5本章小结 30
第五章 总结和展望 31
5.1总结 31
5.2展望 31
参考文献 33
致 谢 36
绪 论
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