2022-01-09 19:08:40
摘 要
本文根据车主每日用车习惯数据,得到每日行驶里程和接入电网时刻两者的概率分布,采取Monte Carlo法进行随机抽样,分别得到电动汽车接入后无序充电和采用V2G有序充放电的功率需求模型。
关键词:电动汽车 充放电模型 V2G(电动汽车入网技术) 有序充放电
Electric network dispatching with orderly charging and discharging of electric vehicles
The charging choice of electric vehicles is full of uncertainty, location uncertainty and time uncertainty. If large-scale electric vehicles are allowed to charge in disorder, it may lead to the problem of "peak on peak", which will exert great pressure on the operation and safety of the power grid. With the rapid development of V2G technology, electric vehicles can also be used as a special form of power supply. Therefore, we will re study the charging and discharging characteristics of electric vehicles, adopt appropriate charging and discharging strategies, guide the orderly charging and discharging of electric vehicles, and play a role in the "peak cutting and valley filling" of the power grid, and reduce the network loss, so as to improve the security and economy of the power grid.
In this thesis, according to the daily usage data of car owners, the probability distribution of daily driving mileage and the time when the car is connected to the power grid is obtained. The power demand models of disordered charging and orderly charging and discharging of V2G are obtained by using Monte Carlo method for random sampling.
In the face of the negative impact of large-scale electric vehicle access to the power grid, this thesis establishes the objective function from two aspects: reducing the power grid fluctuation and reducing the power loss of the distribution network. Combined with many constraints, such as the battery constraints of electric vehicles, the power constraints of the power grid, the voltage constraints of the power grid, etc., genetic algorithm is used to search the optimal solution of the objective function.
Finally, combined with IEEE standard 33 node model calculation examples, the thesis compares the load fluctuation and distribution network loss of electric vehicles in this area when disordered charging and V2G orderly charging and discharging are used respectively, and then proves that V2G orderly charging and discharging is effective and scientific, which provides reference value for charging and dispatching of electric vehicles and power grid planning and design in the future.
Key words: Electric vehicle; Charge and discharge model; V2G (electric vehicle to
grid); Orderly charge and discharge
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外电动汽车产业现状 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1 电动汽车有序充电 3
1.3.2 考虑电动汽车接入的配电网调度国内外研究现状 4
1.4 本文研究工作 4
第二章 电动汽车充放电建模 5
2.1 影响电动汽车充放电的因素 5
2.1.1 电动汽车的种类 5
2.1.2 电动汽车充电方式 5
2.1.3 电动汽车渗透率 6
2.1.4 电池特性 6
2.2 电动汽车充电功率建模 7
2.2.1 电动汽车使用情况 7
2.2.2 建立模型假设 8
2.2.3 Monte Carlo法介绍 9
2.2.4 基于Monte Carlo法的电动汽车充电功率建模 9
2.3电动汽车充放电功率建模 11
2.3.1电动汽车入网技术V2G 11
2.3.2电动汽车入网技术电动车充放电功率建模 12
2.3.3 基于Monte Carlo法的电动汽车充放电功率建模 13
2.4 算例分析 15
2.4.1 参数设置 15
2.4.2 结果分析 15
2.5 本章小结 16
第三章 电动汽车有序充放电下充电站调度策略 18
3.1 电动汽车有序充放电调度模型 19
3.1.1 目标函数 19
3.1.2 约束条件 20
3.2 遗传算法 21
3.2.1 遗传算法的发展及特点 21
3.3.2 遗传算法步骤 22
3.3.3 基于遗传算法的电动汽车有序充放电下充电站调度 23
3.3 实例分析 25
3.3.1 数据参数 25
3.3.2算法结果分析 27
3.4本章小结 28
第四章 无序充电与有序充放电下电网调度结果分析 29
4.1充放电功率分析 29
4.2 等效负荷波动分析 30
4.3 配电网损耗分析 31
4.4 本章小结 31
第五章 总结与期望 33
5.1总结 33
5.2展望 33
参考文献 35
致谢 37
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景与意义
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