2021-11-07 21:20:15
摘 要
近年来,变频调速系统(Adjustable speed drive, ASD)的使用越来越广泛,人们对其可靠性要求也越来越高。DC-Link电容作为ASD重要的一部分,其可靠性评估对系统的安全可靠运行具有重要意义。由于薄膜电容在可靠性方面已经优于传统的铝电解电容,从而成为了DC-Link电容新的选择,当ASD系统中的DC-link电容使用薄膜电容时,称之为微型驱动系统。为了评估微型驱动系统的可靠性,需要对DC-Link电容的寿命进行预测。
本文首先在simulink中对于5kW变频调速系统进行建模,得到DC-Link电容纹波电流波形并进行傅里叶分析,从而得到纹波电流的谐波分量。然后根据相关数据手册,得到电容的等效串联电阻的频率特性模型,通过建立的电容损耗模型计算出DC-link电容的损耗值。最后,建立电容的热模型和寿命模型,并基于 Monte-Carlo仿真,考虑寿命模型中参数波动的影响,评估DC-link电容的可靠性。
In recent years, the frequency control of motor speed system (Adjustable speed drive, ASD) is used more and more widely, people has higher requirement for its reliability. As an important part of ASD, the reliability evaluation of dc-link capacitance is of great significance to the safe and reliable operation of the system. Since the thin film capacitor has been better than the traditional aluminum electrolytic capacitor in terms of reliability, it has become a new choice of DC-Link capacitor. When the DC-Link capacitor in ASD system USES the thin film capacitor, it is called micro-drive system. In order to evaluate the reliability of micro drive system, the life of DC-Link capacitor needs to be predicted.
This paper mainly studies the reliability of DC-Link capacitance composed of thin film capacitance in micro-drive system with the method of capacitance reliability evaluation, so as to provide some guidance to the designer.
In this paper, first of all, the 5kW frequency conversion speed regulation system is modeled in simulink, the DC-Link capacitance ripple current waveform is obtained and the Fourier analysis is carried out, so as to obtain the harmonic component of the ripple current. Then, according to the relevant data manual, the frequency characteristic model of Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of the capacitor is obtained, and the loss value of dc-link capacitor is calculated through the capacitance loss model established. Finally, the thermal model and life model of the capacitor were established, and the reliability of the DC-Link capacitor was evaluated based on the monte-carlo simulation, considering the influence of parameter fluctuations in the life model.
Based on the case study in this paper, the life distribution curve of dc-link capacitance is obtained. As can be seen from the curve, the service life of B1 of dc-link capacitor is about 42,000 hours, which is a working time of 4.5 years. Therefore, in the case studied in this paper, the service life of DC-Link capacitor is predicted to be 4.5 years. The obtained DC-Link capacitor life evaluation results can provide a basis for the safe and reliable operation of the system. When approaching the predicted life, the capacitor can be replaced in time, so as to ensure the continuous and reliable operation of the system.
Key Words:DC-link capacitance;variable frequency speed regulation system;capacitance life;Monte-Carlo simulation
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 DC-Link电容研究背景 1
1.2 DC-Link电容研究现状 1
1.3 DC-Link电容在微型驱动系统中的应用 2
1.4本文研究内容 3
第二章 微型驱动系统建模与器件选型 4
2.1 ASD系统建模 4
2.1.1 ASD系统概述 4
2.1.2 ASD系统等效模型 4
2.2器件选型 5
2.2.1 DC-Link电容选型 5
2.2.2 其他器件选型 6
2.3本章小结 7
第三章 DC-Link电容损耗模型 8
3.1 DC-Link电容电流 8
3.1.1 谐波分析 8
3.1.2 电容电流有效值计算 9
3.2 DC-Link电容热模型 10
3.2.1 电容ESR频率特性分析 10
3.2.2 DC-Link电容热模型分析 11
3.3本章小结 11
第四章 DC-Link电容寿命预测 13
4.1 DC-Link电容寿命预测流程 13
4.2 Monte-Carlo仿真原理 13
4.3 DC-Link电容寿命预测 14
4.3.1 DC-Link电容寿命预测方法 14
4.3.2 DC-Link电容寿命预测分析 15
4.4 本章小结 18
第五章 结论 19
参考文献 20
附录A微型驱动系统的simulink仿真模型 22
附录B DC-Link电容损耗建模MATLAB源代码 23
附录C DC-Link电容寿命预测MATLAB源代码 24
致谢 30
第一章 绪论
1.1 DC-Link电容研究背景
铝电解电容正极为金属箔,负极为电解液,因而得名电解电容,其具有电容量大,材料简单,价格低廉等优点,从而等到广泛的应用。而随着变流技术的进步,电解电容的缺点也逐渐暴露了出来:耐大电压、大电流能力不强,电容使用寿命较短,工作时损耗较大等,这一切都和铝电解电容过程中的老化有关。相对于其他种类的电子元器件,电解电容使用寿命较短,其随着工作时间的增长而逐步老化。在工作时间达到一定的时效后,会使得电解电容的静态容量,电容等效串联电阻(Equivalent Series Resistance, ESR)和电容漏电流等性能参数发生很大的变化,严重降低电解电容工作的效率,会使得整体系统工作安全性和可靠性下降[6]。
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