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 2020-06-23 20:45:17  

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2. 参考文献

1.王令福.炼钢厂设计原理[M].北京:冶金工业出版社,2007 2.田杭亮. LF/VD-100t钢包精炼炉的设计. 工业加热. 1996(2):19-24 3.冯聚和.炼钢设计原理[M].北京:冶金工业出版社,2005 4.吴林峰.#160;#160;转炉托圈和扭力杆的设计理论分析[D].#160;南京理工大学#160;2012 5.于天忱.#160;#160;转炉连铸流程生产高品质齿轮钢关键技术研究[D].#160;东北大学#160;2011 6.汤旭炜.#160;#160;Mn18Cr18N护环钢工艺的基础研究[D].#160;北京科技大学#160;2017 7.王子亮等. 螺纹钢生产工艺与技术[M]. 冶金工业出版社,2008 8.重庆科技学院冶金工程教研室.炼钢设计参考资料 9.黄希祜.钢铁冶金原理[M].北京:冶金工业出版社,2007 10.贺道中.连续铸钢[M].北京:冶金工业出版社,2007 11.刘敬龙,金恒阁,刘世坚等.浅谈炉外精炼技术[J].河南冶金第12卷第2期,2004 12.中国选矿技术网.连铸新技术,2006 13.中国钢铁工业协会.2007年中国钢铁统计[R].北京:冶金工业出版社,2007 14.万真雅,薛立基. 钢铁冶金设计原理(下册)[M]. 重庆:重庆大学出版社,1992,6. 15.郑沛然. 炼钢学[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1994,6. 16.戴云阁,李文秀,龙腾春. 现代转炉炼钢[M]. 沈阳:东北大学出版社,1998,12. 17.王雅贞,张岩,张红文. 氧气顶吹转炉炼钢工艺与设备(第二版)[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2001,6. 18.陈雷主. 连续铸钢[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2000,5. 19.王雅贞. 连续铸钢工艺及设备[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1999,6. 20.李传薪. 炼钢厂设计原理(下册)[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1999,5. 21.苏天森. 转炉溅渣护炉技术[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1999,6. 22.龚尧. 转炉炼钢[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1991,5. 23.熊毅刚. 板坯连铸[M]. 北京:冶金工业出版社,1994,12. 24.刘振民;刘雅政;崔娟;张素萍;王志义;;60Si2MnA弹簧钢柔性化工艺控制的试验研究[J];河北冶金;2009年06期 25.黄肇信,严进宝,谭瑞林,张启柱,康红杰;转炉冶炼60Si2Mn弹簧钢的实践[J];炼钢;2003年02期 26.刘丽华,肖同友,霍松波,乐可襄,黄贞益. 用UHP-LF/VD-CC工艺流程生产弹簧钢的质量控制[J];炼钢;2003年06期 27.王忠英,于桂玲;60Si2Mn(A)弹簧钢的脱氧工艺[J]. 钢铁研究学报;2003年02期 28.王宇峰;八钢电炉厂弹簧钢洁净化生产工艺研究[D]. 重庆大学;2005年 29.周丹;转炉流程弹簧钢生产工艺的研究[D]. 江苏大学;2010年 30.Kristin Onarheim, Antti Arasto. Staged implementation of alternative processes in an existing integrated steel mill for improved performance and reduced CO2 emissions #8211; Part I: Technical concept analysis International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2016, 45:163#8211;171 31.Cosmo Di Cecca. Silvia Barella. And Carlo Mapelli, et al. Thermal and chemical analysis of massive use of hot briquetted iron inside basic oxygen furnace [J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2017(24):901-907 32.J. H. Park. Formation mechanism of spinel-type inclusions in high-alloyed stainless steel melts[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2007,38(4):657-663 33.E. Hahn, H. P. Haastert and W. Bading, et al. Application of RH process to the production of ultra-low-carbon steels at Thyssen Stahl AG[J]. Iron and steelmaker, 1990,17(3):43-54 34.Z. Deng and M. Zhu. Deoxidation Mechanism of Al-Killed Steel during Industrial Refining Process[J].ISIJ International, 2014,54(7):1498-1506 35.S. Nurmi, S. Louhenkilpi and L. Holappa. Optimization of Intensified Silicon Deoxidation[J]. Steel Research International, 2013,84(4):323-327 36.K. Zhang, F. Wang and C. Li. Thermodynamic analysis of the compositional control of inclusions in cutting-wire steel[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2014,21(7):647-653 37.Fritz and J. Steins. New technologies for the production of stainless steel [J]. Metallurgical Plant and Technology International, 1998,22(4):74-76 38.Jing Guo,Shu-sen CHENG, Zi-jian CHENG. Characteristics of Deoxidation and Desulfurization during#8194;LF#8194;Refining Al-killed Steel by Highly Basic and Low Oxidizing Slag. [J] Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International,#160;2014, Vol.21(2):166-173 39.K.Riyahimalayeri,P. Olund, M. Selleby. Effect of vacuum degassing on non-metallic inclusions in an ASEA-SKF ladle furnace.[J] Ironmaking and Steelmaking. 2013,Vol.30(6):470-477 40.#252;nal#199;amdali, Murat. Tun#231;. Steady State Heat Transfer of Ladle Furnace During Steel Production Process.[J] Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International,#160;2006, Vol.13(3):18-20, 25 41.īsmail Ekmek#231;i, Ya#351;ar Yetisken, #252;nal #199;amdali. Mass Balance Modeling for Electric Arc Furnace and Ladle Furnace System in Steelmaking Facility in Turkey[J]. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 2007,#160;Vol.14(5):1-6, 55 42.Abstracts-From Journal of Iron and Steel Research#8194;(in Chinese). Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International. 2008,Vol.15(1):I-VII 43.A. Mostafapour, A. Ebrahimpour, T. Saeid,Identification of Retained Austenite, Ferrite, Bainite and Martensite in the Microstructure of TRIP Steel,International Journal of ISSI, 2016,Vol. 13(2):1-6

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 2018.2.26-2018.3.4 查阅相关文献和资料 2018.3.5-2018.3.11 金属平衡、物料平衡及热平衡计算 2018.3.12-2018.3.18 外文翻译 2018.3.19-2018.3.25 转炉原料和铁水供应方案设计 2018.3.26-2018.4.1 转炉炉型、炉衬及金属构件设计 开题 2018.4.2-2018.4.8 转炉氧枪设计 2018.4.9-2018.4.15 LF钢包精炼炉各部位尺寸计算 2018.4.16-2018.4.22 LF各部位结构及功能 2018.4.23-2018.4.29 连铸设计 中期检查 2018.4.30-2018.5.6 炼钢操作规程的制定 2018.5.7-2018.5.13 转炉车间平面布置设计 撰写设计说明书初稿 2018.5.14-2018.5.20 绘制转炉车间纵剖面图 2018.5.21-2018.5.27 绘制LF钢包炉结构图 2018.5.28-2018.6.3 绘制转炉车间平面布置图 2018.6.4-2018.6.10 修改设计说明书并定稿 预答辩 2018.6.11-2018.6.17 毕业设计答辩

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