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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 冶金工程 > 正文


 2020-06-03 21:52:38  

摘 要



关键词: 转炉 320万吨 顶底复吹 设计

The Converter System of Annual Output of 3.2 Million tons

of Low-carbon Steel——using Top and Bottom Blowing Technology


The title of the design is The Converter System of Annual Output of 3.2 Million tons of Low-carbon Steel——using Top and Bottom Blowing Technology.The manual is purpose to integrated utilize the knowledge on basic of the guidance of teacher,related references and personal practice.The main contents of this design include the design overview, product solutions and metal balance, material balance and heat balance calculations, determination of the number and capacity of the furnace workshop, and converter equipment selection, design of the oxygen supply and the oxygen lance, converter workshop composition and layout, etc. parts of the process have been described. Describe the design of top-and-bottom blowing converter, the bottom of the gas supply components, the bottom of the mixing gas program, slag splashing furnace program, etc.carefully, and explore the way that the bottom blowing mixer and the top-and-bottom blowing converter can coexist longevity .

This design is based on the reference both in domestic and abroad about the similar converter operation and some related data, Striving to make the design of the converter to achieve a high degree of mechanization, automation and meet the needs of modern society and achieve the best production efficiency.

Key Words: Converter 3.2Miiiion Top and bottom blowing Design


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

设计原则 1

厂址选择 2

第一章 文献综述 3

1.1国内外钢铁产业的发展情况 3

1.1.1钢铁行业的地位与作用 3

1.1.2我国钢铁行业存在的问题及改善措施 3

1.1.3我国钢铁行业的发展前景 3

1.2 氧气转炉炼钢法的生产 4

1.3 转炉炼钢技术的发展 4

1.4 结论 4

第二章 物料平衡与热平衡计算(见附件) 5

第三章 生产规模及产品方案 5

3.1 金属平衡计算 5

3.2 生产规模的确定 6

3.3 转炉座数和大小的确定 6

第四章 顶底复吹转炉炉型选择与计算 6

4.1 复吹转炉炉型选择及计算 6

4.1.1复吹转炉的特点 6

4.1.2 转炉尺寸参数的确定和计算 7

4.2 转炉炉衬设计 9

4.3 复吹转炉底部供气构件设计 9

4.3.1底气种类 9

4.3.2底气用量 10

4.3.3供气构件 10

4.3.4喷嘴数量及布置 10

4.4 转炉炉体金属构件设计 10

4.4.1 炉壳设计 10

炉壳一般由炉盖,炉体和底部三部分组成[10]。 主要承受钢水,矿渣和耐火材料的静态载荷,以及金属的冲击热应力,材料应具有较高的强度。 11

4.4.2 倾动机构的设计 11

第五章 氧气转炉供氧系统设计 11

5.1 氧气的供应 11

5.1.1.转炉炼钢车间需氧量计算 11

5.1.2.制氧机能力的选择 11

5.2 氧枪设计 12

5.2.1 喷头设计 12

5.2.2 氧枪枪身设计 14

第六章 转炉车间原材料供应 16

6.1 铁水供应 16

6.1.2 铁水包选择 16

6.2 废钢供应 16

6.3 散状材料的供应 17

6.3.1 散状料供应和主要设备选型 17

6.3.2 高位料仓容积及数量的确定 18

6.4 铁合金的供应 19

第七章 转炉车间烟气净化与回收 20

7.1 转炉烟气与烟尘 20

7.1.1 烟气特征 20

7.1.2 烟尘性质 21

7.2 烟气净化方案选择 21

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