2022-02-25 19:48:14
摘 要
关键词:地铁 火灾 防排烟
Smoke exhaust design of a double deck subway station
The graduation design model is two story island station. The subway station is composed of a station, a hall (a ground floor) and a platform layer (two floors underground). The length of the platform layer is 240m, the width is 20m, the height is 5m, and the total area is 4800. The length of the station hall is 120m, the width is 20m, the height is 5m, and the total area is 2400. The subway station and hall layer are connected with the ground surface through 4 entrances. Passengers from the outside through the station entrance into the station hall, and then ride on the platform floor. It is directly connected with the subway and railway tunnel, passengers in the station hall for 2 minutes or so, the average resident average time is 3 minutes. The main content of this design is the design of smoke control and smoke exhaust for the construction of subway island platform. The smoke prevention part adopts the smoke retaining wall. The smoke exhaust part selects the mechanical smoke exhaust. The amount of smoke exhaust is calculated according to the size of the smoke prevention zone. Then design the air inlet and air duct according to the amount of exhaust smoke. Hydraulic resistance is calculated according to the designed wind pipe. According to the air volume and resistance, calculate the exhaust smoke and wind pressure of the fan. Choose the proper exhaust fan. Finally, according to the characteristics of subway construction, a fire emergency evacuation plan is worked out.
Keywords:Subway ;fire ;smoke control
目 录
摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
1.1 概论 1
1.2 国内外地铁事故状况 1
1.3 火灾烟气的主要危害 1
1.3.1 火灾烟气的危害性 1
1.3.2 火灾烟气的化学危害性 2
1.4 毕业设计的主要内容 3
1.5 选题的意义 4
1.6 解决的问题 5
第2章 车站建设规定 6
2.1 一般规定 6
2.2 车站总体布置 6
2.3 车站平面 7
2.4 车站环境 9
2.5 车站出入口 9
2.5 通风 9
2.5.1 自然通风 9
2.5.2 机械通风 10
2.5.3 隧道通风 10
2.5.4 防烟、排烟与事故通风 11
第3章 防排烟系统 15
3.1 防排烟系统设定 15
3.1.1基本原理 15
第4章 防排烟设计 16
4.1防火分区 16
4.1.1防火分区划分依据 16
4.1.2站厅层防火分区划分 16
4.1.3站台层防火分区划分 16
4.2防烟分区 16
4.2.1防烟分区划分依据 17
4.2.2站厅层防烟分区划分 17
4.2.3站台层防烟分区划分 17
4.3排烟量计算 17
4.4风量计算 19
4.4.1风量计算标准 19
4.4.2排风量计算 19
4.4.3新风量计算 22
4.5水力计算 23
4.6风机 25
4.6.1风机的位置 25
4.6.2风机的排风量 26
4.6.3风机的选择 26
4.7风管 27
4.7.1风管的选择 27
4.7.2风管系统图 28
4.7风口 28
第5章 车站火灾应急疏散预案 30
5.1目的 30
5.2适用范围 30
5.3车站火灾应急预案 30
第6章 结语 33
参考文献 34