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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 消防工程 > 正文


 2022-01-31 21:49:43  


摘 要


本文利用自主设计的阴燃实验装置在一定程度上可较真实地模拟实际阴燃场景。文章研究了四种不同的典型森林地表可燃物在多种实验条件(不同热源功率、不同密度材料)对阴燃建立与传播特性的影响。根据阴燃温度、阴燃速率、阴燃过后材料形貌变化、甚至阴燃过程中出现的阴燃向明火转变现象反推制约阴燃建立和传播过程中的关键因素及作用机理。在四种材料受热的过程中,材料在受热前期局出现了白烟,并且颜色由深绿色变为浅绿色,随着受热的持续进行,阴燃容器底部材料变红并开始阴燃。在加热功率2.0 kW情况下,五种样品均出现了明火现象,其中小蓬草质量减小45.2 g,质量减小最少,混合样品质量减少最多,减少了87.1 g。质量损失与加热功率成正比,加热功率从1 kW上升至2 kW时,样品受热阴燃的时间缩短,质量损失持续增加。在1.0 kW情况下,五种材料的受热阴燃最高温度均维持在300 ℃左右,构树、混合样品在出现明火后,明火渐弱,而一年蓬、小蓬草两种材料则出现了较强明火,泡桐则未出现明火,保持了持续阴燃。在1.0 kW加热功率下均出现了明火现象,而泡桐未出现明火现象。受热阴燃的持续时间随着加热功率的增加而持续减小,最高温度随加热功率持续增加,其中构树受热过程的最高温度达到了400℃。

关键词:阴燃 森林地表可燃物 热源功率 最高温度 质量变化

Analysis of smoldering characteristics of typical Forest Surface combustible by heating


On the one hand, smoldering will cause the waste of natural resources and the occurrence of fire. The smoldering of forest surface combustibles has the characteristics of long duration and easy conversion to open fire. It is a major hidden danger to induce forest fire. The flammable material of forest surface has different smoldering characteristics because of the different factors such as water, ash, density, material and so on. On the other hand, Sen The smoke and dust released from smouldering of forest fuel can cause the breakdown of the air gap caused by the breakdown of the high-voltage transmission line due to the different charging characteristics.

In this paper, the experimental device designed by ourselves can simulate the actual smoldering scene to a certain extent. In this paper, the effects of four different kinds of typical forest surface combustible materials on the characteristics of smoldering and propagation under various experimental conditions (different heat source power and different density materials) are studied. According to smoldering temperature, smoldering rate, material morphology change after smoldering, and even the phenomenon of smoldering to open fire during smoldering, the key factors and mechanism of smoldering establishment and propagation are restricted. During the heating of the four materials, white smoke appeared in the early stage of heating, and the color changed from dark green to light green. As the heat continues, the material at the bottom of the smoldering vessel turns red and begins smoldering. Under the condition of heating power 2.0 kW, all the five samples showed an open fire phenomenon, in which the mass of Puppergrass decreased by 45.2 g, the mass decreased the least, and the mass of the mixed sample decreased the most, and the mass of the mixed sample decreased by 87.1 g. The mass loss is directly proportional to the heating power. When the heating power is increased from 1 kW to 2 kW, the heating time is shortened and the mass loss continues to increase. At 1.0 kW, the maximum temperature of smoldering of the five materials was kept at about 300 ℃. Weak, but the two materials of the year, Paulownia, Paulownia did not appear the open fire, kept the continuous smoldering. Open fire appeared at 1.0 kW heating power, but Paulownia did not. The duration of heated smouldering decreases with the increase of heating power, and the maximum temperature increases with heating power, and the maximum temperature of the heating process reaches 400 ℃.

Key Words: Smoldering; Forest surface combustible; Maximum temperature; Quality change

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 森林可燃物的概念及分类 2

1.3阴燃材料和分类 3

1.4 国内外森林可燃物研究现状及文献综述 4

1.4.1 国内森林地表可燃物阴燃特性的研究综述 4

1.4.2 国外森林地表可燃物阴燃特性的研究综述 5

1.5 本课题研究内容与研究方法 6

1.5.1 研究目的 6

1.5.2 主要研究内容 6

1.5.3 研究技术路线和研究方法 7

1.5.4 研究预期目标 7

第二章 实验装置及实验方法介绍 8

2.1植被样品采集及处理 8

2.2阴燃实验装置及实验方法 8

2.3植被样品表观特性测定 9

2.4本章小结 10

第三章 典型地表森林植被型可燃物受热阴燃特性分析及其影响因素 11

3.1热传导作用下受热现象分析 11

3.2植被样品受热阴燃过程中质量损失分析及其影响因素 12

3.2.1不同的材质对质量变化的影响 12

3.2.2不同的热源功率对质量变化的的影响 14

3.3植被样品受热阴燃温度分布分析及其影响因素 15



3.4本章小结 20

第四章 全文总结与展望 23

4.1全文总结 23

4.2本文研究创新之处 23

4.3工作展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 27


1.1 引言




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