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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 消防工程 > 正文


 2020-07-11 18:17:07  

摘 要


关键词:地铁站 防排烟设计 机械排烟 通风系统 应急预案

Smoke Prevention Design for a Double-deck Subway Station


In order to ease traffic jams and facilitate people's travel, the subway has become an indispensable means of transport for daily use. However, because the general subways are underground, the space is relatively closed, and people are concentrated. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in the subway fire control system. Anti-drain design is very important in the fire protection system of the entire subway. This design is a two-level island station, which is divided into the station hall floor and the platform station floor. Each floor consists of equipment, management rooms, and station public areas. The smoke prevention design of the subway station mainly includes the division of fire prevention partitions, smoke partitions, the calculation of the amount of smoke exhausted and the amount of air supply, the arrangement of smoke prevention and exhaust pipes, the setting of smoke exhaust outlets, and the selection of air duct specifications and models. Finally, with the combination of smoke prevention facilities and related emergency regulations, prepare the emergency plan for subway fires. Through the design of smoke prevention and control at the subway station, in order to achieve a fire, smoke can be discharged quickly, which can reduce human casualties and property losses, creating favorable conditions for fire rescue work.

Keywords: subway station;smoke control design;mechanical smoke exhaust;ventilation system;emergency plan

目 录



第一章 绪论 5

1.1研究背景 6

1.2工程概况 7

第二章 地铁防排烟系统简介 7

2.1地铁防排烟系统的组成及分类 8

2.2地铁防排烟系统的运作 8

2.2.1站厅层防排烟系统的运作 8

2.2.2站台层防排烟系统的运作 9

2.2.3设备管理用房防排烟系统的运作 9

第三章 地铁防排烟系统设计 9

3.1防火分区,防烟分区的划分 10

3.2排烟口及管道尺寸 11

3.3通风系统 12

3.4管道水力计算 13

3.5排烟风机及配套电动机的选择 16

第四章 应急照明 18

4.1应急照明系统的设计内容 18

4.2地铁应急照明线路铺设说明 18

4.3地铁应急照明系统设计 19

第五章 应急预案 21

5.1 应急预案编制原则及组织机构 21

5.1.1编制目的 21

5.1.2 适用范围 21

5.1.3基本原则 21

5.1.4应急救援组织机构 22

5.2应急程序 22

5.2.1报警和接处警程序 22

5.2.2 应急疏散的组织程序与措施 22

5.2.3扑救一般火灾的程序和措施 23

5.2.4通信联络,安全防护救护的程序和措施 23

5.3注意事项 23

第六章 总结 25

参考文献 26

第一章 绪论


位于英国伦敦,交通最繁忙,人流最密集的国王十字地铁站在1986年的11月18日,发生了一起非常严重的火灾,这次火灾造成32人死亡、100多人受 伤,事故造成了非常大的人员伤亡和经济财产的损失,引起了很大的轰动。地铁 站的火势迅速蔓延扩散,大火持续不断地烧4个多小时才被完全扑灭。地铁站火灾发生以后,150多名消防员参加了灭火战斗。但是,消防队员由于没有及时获得地铁通道的分布图和氧气防护面罩,灭火工作曾一度受阻。在整个灭火的过程中,许多消防队员没有携带防毒面具,灭火工作异常艰险,但消防队员奋勇顽强并付出重大代价,2人受重伤,1人以身殉职。


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