2020-04-25 20:23:37
摘 要
关键词:北斗卫星导航系统 全球定位系统 控制网 TBC 基线解算 网平差
Comparative Analysis of Establishing Regional Measurement Control Network Based on GPS and BDS
Accuracy is one of the core issues of satellite navigation systems. At present, the accuracy comparison between Beidou satellite navigation system and GPS is not uncommon, but the global satellite navigation system is developing rapidly. The Beidou satellite navigation system launched 18 satellites in the past 2018, and began to provide global service on December 27, 2018.GPS has also been modernized and GPSIII is under construction, so it is necessary to compare the accuracy of the newly built Beidou No.3 system and GPS. This paper introduces China's Beidou satellite navigation system and the US GPS, and compares the time system and coordinate system selected by the system, the space segment of the system and the ground control segment. It is concluded that GPS and BDS have their own advantages and characteristics in the system. Among them, the Beidou satellite has more satellites, and the constellation distribution is better, while the GPS satellite atomic clock has higher precision, and the ground monitoring station is more evenly distributed. The data processing method of GNSS static measurement and the method of TBC software processing GNSS static data are introduced. The TBC software is used to process the Beidou satellite and GPS satellite observation data respectively, and the quality of the side length and the point position in the data processing results of the two groups are compared. The BDS and GPS accuracy are equivalent, in the same order of magnitude, but the BDS accuracy is less.
KEY WORDS: BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Global Positioning System Control Network Trimble Business Centre Processing baselines Adjusting the Network.
摘要 I
第一章 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及现状 1
1.2 研究目的与内容 2
1.3 研究方法 2
第二章 BDS和GPS的比较 3
2.1 时间系统 3
2.1.1 常用的时间系统 3
2.1.2 GPS时间系统 4
2.1.3 BDS时间系统 5
2.2坐标系统 5
2.2.1 WGS-84系统 5
2.2.2 2000国家大地坐标系 6
2.3系统构成比较 7
2.3.1 卫星钟及信号频率 7
2.3.2 卫星星座 8
2.3.3 地面控制部分比较 9
第三章 控制网实测数据处理和分析 11
3.1 GNSS静态测量及GNSS网 11
3.1.1 GNSS静态测量 11
3.1.2 GNSS网的基线解算和网平差 11
3.2 TBC软件及其使用 13
3.2.1 基于TBC的基线解算 14
3.2.2 基于TBC的GNSS网无约束平差 14
3.3工程概况及参数设置 16
3.4基线解算质量比较 17
3.5无约束网平差处理的边点精度对比 19
第四章 结语 25
参考文献 27
第一章 引言
1.1 研究背景及现状
始现于上世纪五六十年代的卫星导航定位技术作是目前导航定位领域最重要的技术之一,世界许多国家都在进行积极建设卫星导航定位系统,该技术在最近几十年里得到了迅猛发展。目前,美国的GPS(Global Positioning System)正在进行GPSⅢ的建设,包括地面控制部分的升级和卫星的更新换代;中国BDS(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System)在2018年发射了18颗卫星,并于2018年12月27宣布提供全球服务,还将于2020年年底之前发射11颗卫星;俄罗斯的GLONASS(Global'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema)正在更新卫星,完善系统功能;欧盟的Galileo正在进行星座的建设,将实现30颗卫星的运行星座;日本和印度也在进行卫星导航系统的建设。
现在世界上GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)定位主要以GPS为主,其系统在1995年4月27日被宣布具备完全工作能力,为全球范围内用户提供导航、定位和授时服务。GPS是目前世界上最为成熟的全卫星导航系统,在世界范围内影响最大,应用最广。高精度GPS定位技术主要包括精密单点定位、网络RTK(Real - time kinematic)、差分定位技术等,GPS在全球范围内单点定位精度在20m内,局域与广域差分定位精度5m内,地基增强RTK与短距离单参考站RTK定位精度5cm内,长距离RTK定位精度10cm内,这些定位方法均能实时获得定位结果,而静态定位能够获得更高精度的定位结果,长时间静态观测精度可达毫米级[1]。