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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 采矿工程 > 正文


 2021-05-18 22:17:56  

摘 要

新疆萨热克铜矿位于天山‐昆仑山的交界处,主要是由沉积成矿,赋存于距地表100-300m 处,矿体的倾角变化很大,地应力、地质构造情况多变,开采条件复杂,主要由空场嗣后充填采矿方法进行开采,中段高度为60m,采场进路跨度15m,采用隔一采一的工艺进行生产,不留间柱。




(3)采用有限元计算软件ANSYS 对采场和矿体进行模型建立和网格的划分并导入有限差分软件FLAC3D 中进行应力计算,通过对二号矿体矿体倾角由30°缓倾斜到60°急倾斜的变化情况建立模型,模拟隔一采一工艺下不同矿房参数下的矿体开采,通过对比分析矿房顶底板应力、位移的变化情况,并最终得出结论:矿房高度为15米时,顶底板应力最小,即为最合适的矿房设计参数。

关键词:数值模拟 采矿方法 开采参数


The Sareke copper deposit in Xinjiang is located in Tianshan - Kunlun Mountains at the junction,the mine is mainly by the sedimentary mineralization.existing in the distance from the surface 100-300m,The dip angle of the ore body varies greatly,The in-situ stress and geological structure is changeable, mining conditions is very complex,Mainly by the mining method of open stope filling mining,The height of the middle is 60m,Stope drift span 15m,The production process is carried out by using the technique of separating one and picking one.

While ensuring the safety of underground production is also necessary to meet the requirements of mining companies, mining capacity to meet the requirements, Sareke Copper Occurrence and existing development projects based on the basis of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, to optimize production parameters occurs for a large number of ore bodies II, and gently inclined body parameter optimization steeply inclined and steeply inclined ore mining parameters were studied, and the corresponding conclusions. The main work and results of this paper are:

(1)by reading the relevant literature, and Sareke copper mine geological data research, surface rock structure conditions and rocks and the data of physical and mechanical parameters of the collection, the following theoretical calculation and numerical simulation to provide reliable data.

(2)by collecting data mining methods, it can be steeply inclined, using the case of gently sloping three mining method is selected.Steeply inclined portion may choose to level cement filling method, sublevel caving and sublevel then fill mining field; drifting slowly tilt can choose the cut and fill method, segmented room and pillar mining method, sublevel field method. The first program by the variable analysis and technical and economic comparisons, and to discuss the methods of mining the ore body tilt angle, and ultimately determine the gently inclined portion considering the vertical layout ore drift line cut and fill method, consider filling the steep level of cementation method.

(3)Finite element calculation software ANSYS is used to simulate the stope and ore body, and then the finite difference software FLAC3D is used to calculate the,Based on the 2 ore body, the ore body is inclined to 60 degrees to 30 degrees.Simulation of one mined, a process under different parameters of stope ore mining by analysis of mine roof and floor of the stress and the displacement of the changes, and finally come to the conclusion: stope height of 15 meters, the minimum stress, which is the most suitable stope design parameters of roof and floor.

Key words:numerical simulation mining methods Mining parameters


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1变倾角矿体研究现状 2

1.3.2采场参数优化研究现状 3

1.4 研究内容 4

第2章 项目概况 5

2.1 地理位置、交通、气候 5

2.2 区域地质概况 5

2.3 矿区地质概况 6

2.4 矿体的相关参数 6

2.5 本章小结 7

第3章 采矿设计方案 8

3.1 开拓范围 8

3.2 影响采矿方法选择的主要因素 8

3.2.1 矿床地质条件 8

3.2.2 矿床开采技术条件 8

3.3 采矿方法的选择和步骤 8

3.3.1 缓倾斜矿体采矿方法的选择 9

3.3.2 急倾斜矿体采矿方法的选择 11

3.4 上向水平分层充填法 13

3.5 分段空场嗣后充填法 14

3.6 本章小结 16

第4章 开采参数优化数值模拟 17

4.1 模型的建立 17

4.1.1 建立模型 17

4.1.2 网格划分和边界加载 18

4.1.3 岩体物理力学参数 18

4.2 开采参数研究 19

4.2.1 分段空场嗣后充填法开采参数 19

4.2.2 上向水平分层充填法开采参数 21

4.3 本章小结 22

第5章 结论与展望 23

5.1 结论 23

5.2 展望 23

致 谢 25

参考文献 24

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言


萨热克铜矿位于新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县乌鲁克恰提乡境内,大地构造位置为塔里木盆地西南中新生代坳陷西北缘的次级盆地—托云盆地,其北部和南部分别为西南天山、西昆仑海西期地层‐构造‐岩浆带,地质构造条件复杂。而现阶段萨热克铜矿主要采用分段空场嗣后充填采矿法进行开采,主要运输水平设在2670m,2730m,2790m 处,中段高度为60m,采场进路跨度为15m,采用隔一采一工艺的方法开采,不留间柱,待两侧矿房开采完毕后,2 个分段一次性充填,再采中间的矿房。就空场采矿法来讲,采场长度越短、间柱尺寸越大,矿山损失就越大,生产效率就越低,但是过大的采场结构参数往往使得采场跨度过大和顶板暴露面积的增加,也就带来了极大的潜在安全隐患,容易引起矿岩整体失稳、顶板突发性冒落、冲击地压等矿山大型事故,例如:1995 年9 月,湖南花垣一处锰矿发生地表坍塌事故,经调查,其事故原因则是使用房柱法开采时,房柱结构设计不合理,随着开采面积扩大,引发房柱折断后继而引起顶板大面积坍塌事故。

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