2020-02-18 20:03:32
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
(1)the purpose ofthe research topic:
to develop and improve my own engineering drawing design and the caddrawing ability.
to learn how to solve problems efficiently with teamwork.
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(1) the main contents of the design.
(a)analysis the general situation of themining area and the geological features of the deposit.
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1) on march 12,completed the translation of the professional literature work.
2) finished theopening report on march 25;
3) may 25, withcomplete the main research work of the paper and submit the first draft of theresearch (design);
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(1)wang yunmin. thefirst and middle volumes of modern mining manual, metallurgical industry press 2012.
(2) gao yongtao, wu shunchuan. open-pit mining, central south universitypress 2010.
(3) wang yujie,blasting engineering [m], wuhan: wuhan university of technology press, 2007
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