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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-14 21:12:43  


摘 要


本文借助计算机辅助设计软件Auto CAD针对加油机上的读表器外壳的注塑模具进行了结构设计,通过对模具的各个系统结构进行分析,得出合理的尺寸参数以及位置参数,所得结果对于注塑模具的设计具有重要的意义。同时,设计了以注塑模具为主要产品的质量追溯系统,结合SQL数据库的使用,面向企业和广大用户的使用对象,实现对注塑模具产品的质量追溯。

本文设计的质量追溯系统分为数据导入、产品赋码、产品溯源、消费反馈、角色管理等模块,溯源系统是其中的关键,又包括厂内溯源、供应链溯源等模块。能够对产品的真伪及产地信息进行溯源,在产品真伪信息的基础上,对产品的厂内质检记录、物流记录、供应链信息也能进行溯源管理,同时还有记录反馈意见以及进行角色管理的功能。本文借助美国微软公司出品的SQL Server 2008 R2建立注塑模具信息的静态数据库,利用Visual Studio 2017进行可视化编程,制作各个功能模块,编写出所需要的WebForm动态网页,并实现各个功能模块上网顺利运行,以达到最终的产品厂内质量追溯目的。



With the continuous improvement of the level of science and technology.The importance of product quality has begun to be paid attention to. How to ensure the pass rate of product quality has become the core research topic of each enterprise. The products need to be purchased for raw materials during production. After the production is completed, they are stored in the warehouse, then sold, and finally shipped to the buyer. Each of these links will affect the quality and safety of the product. It is necessary to trace the quality of the product. . To this end, this article designs the structure of the injection mold of the table reader shell and designs its quality traceability system.

This paper uses the computer-aided design software Auto CAD to design the structure of the injection mold of the meter reader shell on the tanker. By analyzing the system structure of the mold, the reasonable size parameters and position parameters are obtained. The results obtained are of great significance for the design of injection molds At the same time, a quality traceability system with injection molds as the main product was designed. In combination with the use of SQL database, it is oriented to the use objects of enterprises and users, and realizes the quality traceability of injection mold products.

The quality tracing system designed in this paper is divided into modules such as data import, product coding, product tracing, consumption feedback, role management, etc. The tracing system is the key, and it also includes the tracing of sources in the factory and supply chain. Ability to trace the authenticity of the product and the origin of the information. On the basis of the authenticity of the product, the in-factory quality inspection records, logistics records, and supply chain information of the product can also be traced to the source management. Role management functions. This article uses the SQL Server 2008 R2 produced by Microsoft Corporation of the United States to establish a static database of injection mold information, uses Visual Studio 2017 for visual programming, makes each functional module, writes the required WebForm dynamic web page, and realizes the smooth operation of each functional module online. To achieve the final product quality traceability in the factory.

Key Words:mold;traceability system;Database

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外现状 1

1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 2

第2章 读表器外壳注塑模具结构设计 3

2.1 产品工艺分析 3

2.1.1 进胶方案分析 3

2.1.2 前后模镶件设计 4

2.2 产品结构设计 4

2.2.1 定模仁、调模架 4

2.2.2 浇注系统设计 5

2.2.3 顶出与复位系统设计 7

2.2.4 导向与定位系统设计 8

2.2.5 冷却系统设计 9

2.2.3 系统总体设计及标注 10

第3章 注塑模具质量追溯系统设计 11

3.1 追溯系统概述 11

3.2 开发及运行环境介绍 11

3.3 系统总体设计原理 12

3.3.1 系统设计原理 12

3.3.2 预期设计目标 13

3.4 数据库设计 14

3.5 登录入口模块设计 19

3.6数据导入模块设计 21

3.7追溯码生成模块设计 22

3.8 溯源模块设计 23

3.8.1 厂内溯源模块设计 23

3.8.2 供应链溯源模块设计 24

3.8.3 批次溯源模块设计 25

3.9 消费反馈模块设计 27

3.10 角色管理模块设计 28

3.11 关键程序 29

第4章 结论 31

参考文献 32

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

注塑,是一种常用的工业生产加工造型方法。随着塑料以及橡胶产品在日常生活中的广泛使用,注塑成型这种工业加工方法在制造行业所占用的比重越来越大。注塑模具就是模具中十分重要的一种模具种类。注塑成型的模具,无论是在加工性能还是强度、抗腐蚀性等方面都具有较强的优势,受到众多行业的青睐。在注塑模具的生产和设计中,注塑就是塑料或橡胶产品成型的一个十分重要的环节,注塑加工的原理就是将熔融的塑料或胶料置于在塑料制品的模具中,经过冷却成型,从而得到想要的形状的注塑模具产品。随着社会的不断发展,生产制造技术的更新换代也十分频繁,利用Auto CAD、Pro/E、Solid works等计算机辅助设计软件已成为主流趋势,注塑模具的结构设计自然也离不开这些软件。



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