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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:56:30  

摘 要








As market changes accelerate and differentiated competition intensifies, higher demands are placed on the production efficiency of manufacturing enterprises. A scientific scheduling plan can effectively allocate production resources to maximize production efficiency. At the same time, a reasonable maintenance plan can provide protection for production activities, reduce the interference of production activities due to equipment failures, and ensure the efficiency of production. In many studies, machine failures are ignored and production activities are scheduled separately, but production activities and maintenance activities occupy machine time. If production activities and maintenance activities are planned separately, time conflicts may occur, causing mutual interference and wrong production plan. Therefore, considering the integration of preventive maintenance and production scheduling, this paper studies the integrated optimization of preventive maintenance and flexible job shop scheduling based on maintenance time window. The specific research content is as follows:

Firstly, the purpose and significance of the research in the field of preventive maintenance and production integrated scheduling are expounded.The research status of flexible job shop scheduling, preventive maintenance and production scheduling, and ant colony algorithm at home and abroad are reviewed.

Secondly, this study describes the problems of the equipment fault, established equipment failure to comply will cloth distribution, put forward the concept of reliability function, reliability, etc, and then get the reliability of the machine according to the reliability function threshold to determine preventive maintenance time window, and determine the schedule before repair and preventive maintenance strategy for dynamic adjustment when there are conflicts.

Thirdly, the problem of preventive maintenance and flexible job shop production integrated scheduling is described, and the relevant parameters and variables are defined. Then, the mathematical model, objective function and constraint conditions are established according to the problem description.

Finally, the basic ant colony algorithm is elaborated and improved, which is applied to the integrated scheduling of preventive maintenance and flexible job shop. The effectiveness and convergence of the algorithm are obtained by comparing the genetic algorithm. Then, a calculation example is designed and solved by programming with python and got a Gantt chart at last.

Keywords: Flexible job shop scheduling; Integrated optimization of production and maintenance; The improved ant colony algorithm


摘 要 I

Abstract II

1 第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 主要工作与结构 4

2 第2章 设备故障问题描述与预防性维修策略 5

2.1 设备故障问题描述 5

2.2 预防性维修策略 6

2.3 本章小结 7

3 第3章 预防性维修与生产调度模型集成优化 8

3.1 问题描述 8

3.2 索引 9

3.3 参数设置 9

3.4 数学模型 10

3.5 本章小结 11

4 第4章 蚁群算法 12

4.1 基本蚁群算法原理 12

4.2 基本蚁群算法关键步骤 12

4.3 基本蚁群算法流程 14

4.4 基本蚁群算法特点 17

4.5 本章小结 17

5 第5章 改进蚁群算法在预防性维修与生产调度中的应用 19

5.1 蚁群算法的改进 19

5.1.1 编码 19

5.1.2 工序顺序初始化 19

5.1.3 机器选择初始化 20

5.1.4 信息素的更新 21

5.1.5 目标值的计算 21

5.2 实验结果与分析 22

5.3 本章小结 29

6 第6章 总结与展望 30

6.1 总结 30

6.2 展望 30

致 谢 31

参考文献 32




生产调度(Production Scheduling)问题是在运筹学范畴内应用较广泛的生产问题,采用合理有效的调度优化方法是提高设备利用率、保证按时完工、降低成本、提高质量、提高经济效益的关键。柔性作业车间调度问题(Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem, FJSP)不仅需要给每道工序分配机器,还需要确定工序的加工顺序,是复杂的NP-hard问题。FJSP更加符合制造企业车间的真实环境,该问题存在着多个目标、多条约束、动态随机性等特点,故研究该问题具有重要的理论意义和实际价值。[1]

维修是人类进入工业化社会后在制造企业提出的一个重要问题, 它与生产率、生产质量、加工效率、利润、绿色生产等问题紧密相关。维修思想从第二次世界大战前的随坏随修到20世纪60年代的定期翻修,再到20世纪90年代的现代维修思想,最后发展成如今时代特征鲜明的先进维修思想,维修思想的繁荣和发展表现了维修与生产之间密切相关,影响着国民经济的命脉。[2]设备维修方式可分为:预防性维修和修复性维修。预防性维修(Preventive Maintenance,PM)可分为简单的预防维修(Simple Preventive Maintenance)和预防更换 (Preventive Replacement),修复性维修(Corrective Maintenance, CM)可分为故障小修和更换(故障大修),以上两种维修都需要消耗时间,在此段时间内系统无法正常工作,会给企业生产带来负面影响,造成经济损失,称此刻为停机时间。[3]

设备的预防性维修(Preventive Maintenance,PM)可以用来保证设备较高的可靠度、降低设备重大故障风险发生率。而修复性维修(Corrective Maintenance, CM)是随机的,无法预知,给生产工作会带来严重的影响。如果维修不恰当,机器的可靠性可能会降低。可靠性下降会造成成本的损失。预防性维修所需要的时间、人工,能耗、资源等成本非常少,而且可以降低可能发生的故障对生产的影响,较其它方式更合理。因此对设备进行合理的预防性维修可以提高设备利用率,可以实现更好的生产效益。[4-5]

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