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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:28:47  

摘 要






Resistance welding is currently the method used by most automobile companies to connect the automobile body-in-white, and the most important thing to determine the structural stability of the automobile body-in-white is the quality of the welding spot. There are various inspection techniques for identifying the quality of solder joints. At present, the commonly used technical means is ultrasonic testing, but with the development of resistance welding technology, ultrasonic testing has been difficult to meet the requirements of testing, and because of the qualitative and quantitative accuracy of eddy current testing technology, the solder joint testing technology will be upgraded to a New heights. Carrying out simulation testing experiments on solder joints, the main content of this article includes the following aspects:

(1) A finite element model of eddy current testing of solder joints in steel plates was established. The COMSOL software was used to establish solder joint testing models. The effects of various coil parameters on the testing results were simulated and analyzed. The results provide a theory for quantifying solder joint testing support.

(2) eddy current test and image system were designed and developed. The system is mainly divided into four parts: test probes, preprobes, data acquisition equipment, and control software. According to the overall plan of the system, the hardware is analyzed and selected to complete the hardware platform. The software of the solder joint imaging system is designed, and the mixed programming of MATLAB and LabVIEW is used to realize functions such as system parameter setting, signal acquisition, solder joint identification and display.

Key Words:Body-in-white solder joints; eddy current nondestructive testing; finite element; control software.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景及意义 1

1.2国内外的研究现状分析 1

1.3本毕业设计题目的主要内容有 2

第2章 涡流检测的理论知识 3

2.1电涡流检测原理 3

2.2电涡流传感器结构分类 4

2.3等效电路分析 5

2.4集肤效应和提离效应 7

2.5本章小结 8

第3章 基于COMSOL的有限元仿真分析 9

3.1有限元建模理论 9

3.1.1电磁场基本理论 9

3.1.2电磁场有限元法 11

3.2COMSOL有限元建模仿真过程 11

3.2.1 几何模型建立 12

3.2.2三维模型的材料属性 14

3.2.3物理场定义 14

3.2.4网格划分 15

3.2.5模型求解和后处理 15

3.3线圈探头各项参数的优化选择 18

3.3.1线圈尺寸 18

3.3.2激励频率 21

3.3.3提离高度 21

3.4检测焊点缺陷的仿真分析 22

3.5本章小结 25

第4章 检测焊点的电涡流检测系统 26

4.1电涡流检测系统整体框架 26

4.2电涡流检测系统的硬件选型 27

4.2.1电涡流检测系统的传感器探头 27

4.2.2电涡流检测系统的传感器前置器 27

4.2.3电涡流检测系统的数据采集卡 28

4.2.4电涡流检测系统的上位机 28

4.3电涡流检测系统的软件平台 29

4.3.1前面板 29

4.3.2信号采集模块 30

4.3.3信号预处理模块 31

4.3.4信号分析模块 31

4.3.5结果存储模块 32

4.4软件验证 33

4.5本章小结 34

第5章 总结与展望 35

5.1总结 35

5.2展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 38

第1章 绪论





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