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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:44:27  

摘 要





In the casting quality inspection process, the DR image is prone to low contrast, details are not obvious, the overall image blurred and other problems, in order to better identify the location and type of defects, the collected DR image should be enhanced processing. After studying, analyzing, and comparing various existing DR image enhancement algorithms, this paper presents improvements to a multi-scale DR image enhancement algorithm based on the Gaussian-Laplace pyramid and a multi-scale enhancement algorithm based on non-down-sampled contour wave transform, respectively. The algorithm is effective in improving the contrast of the cast DR image, enhancing its edge detail and suppressing noise, which is more helpful in the later machine or manual identification of defects in the cast.

In this paper, we first perform a multi-scale decomposition of the original image using the Gaussian-Laplace pyramid algorithm. For the decomposed low-frequency images, adaptive histogram equalization with limited contrast is used to improve the overall contrast of the image; for high-frequency images, exponential enhancement is used, and different gain coefficients are used for high-frequency images of different scales to achieve enhancement of edge information and noise suppression. This paper also improves the multi-scale enhancement algorithm based on the non-subsampled Contourlet transform. The gamma transform is used to improve the overall contrast at the low frequencies and the threshold processing is used at the high frequencies to improve the edge coefficient and suppress noise. The algorithm achieves better image enhancement overall.

Key words: image enhancement; Gauss-Laplacian pyramid; Nonsubsampled Contourlet transform; histogram equalization;

目 录

摘 要 I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景、目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究进展和现状 2

1.3课题研究内容 3

第二章 传统图像增强算法的研究 4

2.1图像增强概述 4

2.2灰度变换 4

2.2.1线性灰度变换 5

2.2.2分段线性灰度变换 5

2.2.3非线性灰度变换 6

2.3直方图处理 8

2.3.1直方图均衡化(HE) 8

2.3.2自适应直方图均衡化(AHE) 10

2.4图像评价标准 10

2.4.1主观评价 11

2.4.2客观评价 11

第三章 基于高斯-拉普拉斯金字塔的图像增强算法 13

3.1算法的提出及实现步骤 13

3.2图像的分解与重建 13

3.2.1图像分解 13

3.2.2图像重构 15

3.3图像处理部分 16

3.3.1低频图像增强 16

3.3.2高频细节图像增强 18

3.4实验结果分析 19

第四章 基于NSCT的多尺度增强算法 23

4.1非下采样轮廓波变换的理论研究 23

4.1.1 Contourlet变换 23

4.1.2非下采样Contourlet变换 25

4.2 NSCT低频处理 27

4.3 NSCT高频处理 28

4.3.1分类阈值的计算 28

4.3.2不同系数的处理 29

4.4实验结果分析 29

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1研究内容总结 35

5.2各算法特点总结 35

5.3前景展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39

第一章 绪论


1895年德国科学家伦琴首次发现X射线,开创了医疗影像技术的新领域。随后,射线成像技术逐步在无损探测、工业检伤、医疗诊治等诸多方面得到了应用。然而随着经济社会的不断发展,医学影像以及工业检测的需求不断提高,传统X摄影的弊端也不断显露。传统的X射线成像技术是基于感光胶片成像技术,该种成像方法有如下缺点:(1)胶片作为成像的载体,不易储存、保管、传输交流等等,导致设备硬件成本高。(2)射线一旦成像后便无法再进行后处理,图像质量不易得到保障[16]。(3)传统X射线成像所需要的曝光剂量较大,成本高且对使用者有一定的损伤。基于以上因素,人们在不断地探索新的X射线成像方式,直到20世纪90年代,计算机放射摄影(Computed Radiography CR)和直接数字化摄影(Direct Radiography DR)应运而生。


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