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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-06-24 23:13:15  

摘 要


在金属增材制造技术中,熔化极气体保护电弧增材制造(Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing,GMA-AM)技术具有以下优点:成形效率高、成本低、加工柔性大和制件规格限制小、同时弧焊设备相对简单、焊接过程中焊接速度、电流、电压和熔滴过渡等焊接参量均可控,成品的性能可以达到很好。因此熔化极气体保护电弧增材制造技术己引起了国内外很多科研机构浓厚的兴趣。






Additive Manufacturing is a manufacturing technology that based on the idea of "discrete/accumulation". With the three-dimensional model data of the components, it can produce entity parts step by step. Compared with traditional materials subtraction processing, this technology is a kind of material accumulation addition processing craft, it can quickly and accurately to producing complex objects. As the demands of dense metal part’s performance precision, manufacturing costs and cycle increasingly strict requirements in aerospace, energy, power, national defense, and other areas of the key technologies, Metal Additive Manufacturing becomes a research hotspot at home and abroad.

Among the Metal Additive Manufacturing technologies, Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing has the following advantages: high forming efficiency, low cost, huge flexible, small specification limits, and arc welding equipment is relatively simple, welding speed, welding current, voltage and droplet transition, welding parameters of the welding process can be controlled, the performance of the finished product can be very good. Therefore, Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing has aroused the interest of many scientific research institutions at home and abroad.

This study mainly takes Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing as the research object, detecting the deposition process of current, voltage and frequency in real time, to explore the relationship between the voltage, current and frequency. The relationship between and single-layer single-channel welding quality and technological parameter, such as welding speed welding current, was studied. Using the neural network algorithm to establish forecasting model to ensure the welding quality. The results are of great guiding significance to Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing.

The results show that the arc sound source motivation comes from the change of arc energy, and find out the relationship between the quality of the single-layer single-channel and welding current, depositing velocity.

The characteristics of this paper: collecting and processing multi-signals, using the algorithm of neural network to optimize welding parameters and superior to the traditional single signal collection and optimization.

Key Words:Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing;Real-time detection;Neural network algorithm;Real-time detection alarm

目 录

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本论文的主要研究内容 6

第2章 GMA-AM检测系统组成 7

2.1 硬件系统组成 7

2.2 数据采集软件系统组成 14

2.3 本章小结 18

第3章 工艺参数关系 19

3.1 工艺参数时域分析 19

3.2 电流电压与电弧声信号关系 21

3.3 本章小结 23

第4章 单层单道GMA-AM成形工艺 24

4.1 实验条件 24

4.2 单层单道熔敷成形特点 25

4.3 本章小结 30

第5章 工艺参数优化 31

5.1 神经网络算法模型 31

5.2 最优工艺参数范围 36

5.3 本章小结 38

总结与展望 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 42

第1章 绪 论

1.1 课题背景及意义

增材制造(Additive Manufacturing,AM)技术是基于离散、堆积原理,根据零件的三维模型采用材料逐层堆积成形三维实体。随着科学技术的发展日新月异和社会需求的变化万千,产品更新的速度逐渐加快,从而促使新产品开发周期缩短。增材制造技术满足在短时间内完成产品的试样制作,甚至小批量制造产品,对现代制造技术本身的发展具有重大影响,因此得到了世界广泛关注。

熔化极气体保护电弧增材制造(Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing,GMA-AM)采用焊接电弧作为热源将金属丝材熔化,按设定成形路径在基板上堆积每一层片,层层堆敷直至成形金属件,具有制造成本低、材料利用率高、生产效率高等优点。成形零件由全焊缝金属组成,致密度高、冶金结合性能好、化学成分均匀、力学性能好。

GMA-AM 成形过程中,每一熔敷层温度场分布、熔池形态、散热条件等不一致;各种干扰因素,如基板初始条件、喷嘴高度、层间温度和保护气流量等,都会影响成形过程的稳定性、成形件表面质量和尺寸精度。因此,一个智能化 GMA-AM 系统除了包括零件三维建模、分层切片、焊接路径规划之外,还必须对每个熔敷层的形貌、表面质量和尺寸精度进行在线监测和控制。

本文以单层单道 GMA-AM为研究对象,以焊接机器人为实验载体,研究电弧焊接单层单道的工艺特性,从而为多层单道、单层多道、多层多道的成型体的精确稳定成形打下基础。电弧焊接过程中能量的传递机理和物理过程非常复杂,焊接质量的影响因素众多,可通过实验研究在时域上电流、电压、送丝速度、声音参数和焊接质量之间的关系,对电弧焊接过程中的参数进行实时检测,建立神经网络算法模型分析预测焊道成形状态,从而保证电弧焊接过程的稳定性,同时加深对电弧焊接过程本质的认识,为焊接质量的精确控制提供理论基础。焊接机器人如图1.1所示,单层单道电弧焊如图1.2所示。

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