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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-04-05 18:11:25  

摘 要



首先,本文调查了国内外驾驶性评价的发展情况,分析了驾驶性主观评价的机理和内涵,并制定了本文采用的驾驶性主观评价方案;针对驾驶性客观评价,汇总了评价过程中可能涉及的客观指标,建立了一套客观评价指标体系;以汽车加速度为基础选定纵向加速度响应、峰值加速度响应、加速度均方根值、加速度线性度、加速度增益和Tip in/Tip out响应六个指标设计了驾驶性评价实验方案。


最后,将客观指标与主观得分进行相关性分析,确定了特征指标分别为纵向加速度响应、加速度线性度、加速度增益和Tip in/Tip out响应,基于四个特征指标得到了该实验车的驾驶性评价多元线性回归模型:;经检验,该模型在反映主观评分方面具有很高的相关性和显著性。



In recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards, people's pursuit of automobile quality is no longer limited to its power performance and fuel economy, but pay more attention to its drivability. Excellent drivability can greatly improve the user's driving experience and help to build the core competitiveness of automotive products. Therefore, drivability evaluation is particularly important in automotive research and development and manufacturing. Many domestic automobile enterprises mainly rely on subjective evaluation in drivability evaluation. The experienced evaluator carries out road tests on various working conditions of the vehicle, and gives subjective evaluation according to the dynamic response of the vehicle. This method can directly simulate the user's driving behavior and capture the real driving experience under different working conditions, but its drawback is that it requires a large amount of manpower, material and financial resources, and the evaluation cost is high. Moreover, the evaluation results are subject to the subjective influence of different assessors, so it is difficult to form a unified standard.

In view of the above problems, this paper attempts to introduce objective indicators in drivability evaluation, and use the numerical value of objective indicators to reflect the subjective score comprehensively. The following studies have been carried out:

Firstly, this paper investigates the development of driving evaluation at home and abroad, analyses the mechanism and connotation of subjective evaluation of drivability, and formulates the subjective evaluation scheme of driving performance adopted in this paper. Aiming at the objective evaluation of driving performance, it summarizes the objective indicators that may be involved in the evaluation process, and establishes a set of objective evaluation index system. The longitudinal acceleration is selected on the basis of vehicle acceleration. The driving performance evaluation experiment scheme was designed with six indexes: response, peak acceleration response, root mean square acceleration, acceleration linearity, acceleration gain and Tip in/Tip out response.

Secondly, the road test is carried out with an automatic block SUV of a domestic automobile enterprise. At the same time, the vehicle data are recorded by AVL-DRIVE equipment. The driving parameters and subjective scores of the test vehicle are obtained, and the objective index parameters affecting the driving evaluation are calculated according to the collected data.

Finally, the correlation between objective index and subjective score is analyzed, and the characteristic indexes are determined as longitudinal acceleration response, acceleration linearity, acceleration gain and Tip in/Tip out response. Based on the four characteristic indexes,the multivariate linear regression model for drivability evaluation of the test vehicle is obtained: .After testing, the model has a high correlation and significance in reflecting subjective scores.

Key Words:Drivability Evaluation;Acceleration;Characteristic Index;Multiple Linear Regression

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 主要研究内容 3

1.3.1 技术路线 3

1.3.2 研究目标 3

1.3.3 章节安排 4

第2章 驾驶性主、客观评价方法研究 5

2.1 驾驶性主观评价方法研究 5

2.1.1 驾驶性主观评价内涵 5

2.1.2 驾驶性主观评价分类 5

2.1.3 国内外主观评价标准与方法 6

2.2 驾驶性客观评价方法研究 7

2.2.1 驾驶性客观评价内涵 7

2.2.2 客观评价指标体系建立 7

2.3 主、客观评价方案制定 8

2.3.1 主观评价方案制定 8

2.3.2 基于加速度的客观评价方案制定 9

2.4 本章小结 12

第3章 数据采集和相关性分析 13

3.1 数据采集方案 13

3.1.1 数据采集设备 13

3.1.2 实验工况 13

3.1.3 测试车辆 14

3.2 数据初步处理 14

3.2.1 数据有效性分析 14

3.2.2 各指标响应曲线图 15

3.2.3 处理后的数据 18

3.3 主、客观指标相关性分析 18

3.3.1 相关性分析原理 18

3.3.2 相关性分析结果 19

3.3.3 特征指标的确定 19

3.4 本章小结 20

第4章 基于加速度特征指标建立驾驶性评价模型 21

4.1 多元线性回归原理 21

4.2 多元线性回归模型的参数估计(OLS) 22

4.3 模型残差分析 23

4.3.1 初始模型 23

4.3.2 残差分析 23

4.4 模型检验 25

4.4.1 相关性检验 25

4.4.2 显著性检验 26

4.5 本章小结 26

第5章 结论与展望 27

5.1 全文总结 27

5.2 不足与展望 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景


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