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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-22 23:01:59  

摘 要





关键词: 数控车铣中心;进给系统;尾座部件


With the development of information technology, microelectronics technology, detection technology and automation technology, numerical control technology has been widely used in various fields of modern industry, ordinary machinery and equipment are gradually high precision, high efficiency, high flexibility of the NC equipment replaced. The use of numerical control technology, so that difficult to work before the parts become efficient and efficient processing, processing the shape of the surface can be more diverse. CNC technology plays an increasingly important role in the development of some important areas in the national economy.

CNC technology and CNC equipment has gradually become the basis of modern manufacturing. CNC milling machine is a CNC machining and lathe milling machine combined with a new type of processing center. To meet the modern industrial processing, small quantities, many types, high precision, high flexibility and so on. Compared with the ordinary machine, CNC milling machine center manufacturing more precision, flexibility, better adaptability, higher degree of automation.

This topic is mainly to design a small CNC milling machine center feeding system and tailstock components. Also designed some of the matching with some of the structure, used to assemble into a complete machining center. The machining center has a simple structure, small size, can simultaneously complete the turning and milling process.

The basic structure of the design of the basic structure of the small CNC milling machine, the basic size awakened the detailed design, calculation. And three-dimensional modeling of the structure of the machining center with solideworks in order to visualize the design ideas and assembly. And then in the design of selected parts of the typical parts of the calibration calculation to ensure that the design is reasonable and feasible.

Key Words: CNC milling center;feed system;tailstock parts


第一章绪论 1

1.1数控机床的发展 1

1.1.1设计背景及意义 1

1.1.2国内外发展现状 1

1.1.3国外先进机床介绍 1

1.2设计的主要任务 3

第二章 进给系统设计 4

2.1概述 4

2.2数控机床工作原理及组成 4

2.2.1数控机床的工作原理 4

2.2.2本设计小型数控车铣中心的组成 5

2.3机械系统设计 5

2.4伺服电机选择 7

2.4.1伺服电机的选择原则 7

2.4.2伺服电机设计计算 8

2.4.3 X轴方向进给伺服电机型号选择 8

2.4.4 Z轴方向进给伺服电机的选择 9

2.5 X轴方向和Z轴方向进给系统设计计算 9

2.5.1设计参数 9

2.5.2切削力及其切削分力计算 10

2.6滚珠丝杠副介绍 10

2.6.1滚珠丝杠副概述 10

2.6.2滚珠丝杠螺母副的设计 11

2.6.3滚珠丝杠螺母副得轴向负载力 11

3.6.4滚珠丝杠得动载荷计算与直径估算 12

2.7丝杠支承轴承得选择 13

第三章 小型数控车铣中心尾座部件设计 15

3.1绪论 15

3.2尾座套筒设计 15

3.3尾座体的设计 15

3.4尾座顶尖的选用 16

3.5尾座驱动系统的设计 16

结论 17

致谢 17

参考文献 18






  1. 缩短产品成产制造的工艺链,提高生产效率。小型数控车铣加工在一次装卡结束后,能够完成多道加工工序,因此能够有效的缩短产品成产制造工艺链。这样不仅减少了装夹工件的时间,而且缩短了工装卡具制造周期和等待时间,因此极大的提高生产制造的效率。
  2. 减少工件装夹次数,提高加工精度。减少工件装夹次数消除了由于定位基准改变而引起的误差积累。同时,如今的的数控车铣加工设备基本上都匹配有自动检测的功能,可以实现制造过程关键数据的在位检测和精度控制,从而提高工件的加工精度。
  3. 减少占地面积,降低生产成本。尽管数控车铣加工中心的制造成本高,结构更加复杂,但因为能够缩短制造工艺链,并且成产工件时所需的装备更少,工装夹具的数量、机床设备所占空间和用在维护设备上的费用都比传统机床少,所以能够极大的降低生产制造成本、从长远来看,具有更大的经济效益。



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