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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-19 21:58:06  

摘 要







During the orbit operation, the satellites will produce some micro-vibration of the satellite, which will affect the normal work of the precision equipment on the satellite. Therefore, the satellite vibration isolation platform is needed to suppress the micro-vibration of the satellite, so that the spaceborne equipment can work normally. Among them, the control system, as an important part of the vibration isolation platform, its performance affects the effect of the isolation platform vibration isolation . Based on the project of civil aviation pre-research project, this paper studies and designs the control system of satellite vibration isolation platform for the engineering needs in practical application. This paper mainly focuses on the hardware design of controller signal processing module and drive module to realize satellite vibration platform active control and achieve the desired vibration isolation effect.

In the paper, the six-degree-of-freedom Stewart platform is used as the research object. The mechanical structure and working principle of the vibration isolation platform are analyzed and studied, and the control strategy is designed and analyzed, and the overall framework design of the control system is put forward.

According to the control requirements of the control system, the hardware part is designed and the overall hardware frame composed of the sensing unit, the main control unit and the driving unit is put forward. The signal processing circuit of the sensing unit is designed, and the main control module and the driving module is designed and the components are selected, the relevant points of attention of the high voltage operational circuit are analyzed. Experiments on the hardware board to verify the performance of the work are finished, the data prove that: This part of the hardware can meet the control system control requirements.

According to the needs of the vibration isolation control system, the software control flow of the control system is analyzed and designed, and the function and working flow of each module are discussed in detail.

Key Words: satellite vibration isolation; active control system; hardware design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题来源 1

1.2课题目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1隔振技术研究 1

1.3.2卫星减振平台研究 2

1.3.3主动隔振控制系统研究 3

1.4论文章节安排 4

第2章 控制系统总体设计 6

2.1隔振平台机械结构 6

2.2隔振平台控制方法设计 7

2.2.1 PID控制分析 8

2.2.2反馈控制策略设计 9

2.3 控制系统总体方案 10

第3章 控制系统硬件设计 11

3.1传感单元设计 11

3.1.1传感器选型 11

3.1.2信号调理电路 11

3.1.3电荷放大板卡实验 22

3.2主控单元设计 24

3.2.1 MCU选型 25

3.2.2各模块选型 25

3.3驱动单元设计 27

3.3.1驱动方式选择 27

3.3.2驱动电路设计 28

3.3.3高压运放电路设计的注意事项 31

3.3.4驱动板卡实验 34

第4章 控制系统软件设计 38

第5章 总结与展望 41

5.1全文总结 41

5.2课题展望 41

参考文献 43

致 谢 45







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