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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-14 21:40:50  

摘 要






(4)利用ANSYS Workbench软件对平衡轴系统弹性齿轮进行有限元分析和模态分析,以得到弹性齿轮的静力学特性和动力学特性。比较弹性齿轮和金属齿轮静力学特性和动力学特性,证明使用弹性齿轮的优越性。




In recent society, vehicles are one of the most popular transports which brings a lot of convenience to people's lives. At the same time, people have higher expectations of the vehicles’ safety and comfort. As the power supply of the vehicles’ motor, the stability of the motor is one of the most important factors that affect the vehicles safety and comfort. Because of the advantages of the three-cylinder engine, now more and more vehicles choose to use the three-cylinder engine. However, when the three-cylinder engine is running, the connecting rod will move cyclicity. This may cause the crankshaft subjected to the unbalanced inertial force and torque. This will not only affect the driving safety, but also cause vibration and noise, which directly affect the comfort of vehicles. Therefore, making analysis of mechanical property and balance performance of the three-cylinder engine, and designs a reasonable balance system to effectively balance the unbalance quantity, reduce the vibration of the engine and improve vehicle safety and comfort, has very important realistic significance.

Aiming at a certain type of three-cylinder engine, the main contents of this dissertation are as follows:

(1) According to the operational principle of the connecting rod mechanism of three-cylinder engine, analyzes the unbalanced inertia force and inertia moment of crankshaft. By referring to relevant references, we can understand the method of balancing the unbalance of three-cylinder engines.

(2) Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various engine balancing systems, confirm the balance system scheme for a three-cylinder engine according to unbalance and technical requirements of a certain type of three cylinder engine.

(3) According to the unbalance of the three-cylinder engine, as well as the performance requirements and working environment of the balancing system, the structural design of each part of the balancing system is carried out. Then using ‘SolidWorks’ software to complete the modeling and assembly of the parts of the balance system.

(4) The finite element analysis and modal analysis of the elastic gear of the balanced system are carried out to obtain the static and dynamic characteristics of the elastic gear by using ‘ANSYS Workbench’ software. Comparing the static and dynamic characteristics of elastic gears and metal gears, the advantages of using elastic gears are proved.

The research work of this dissertation can provide the theoretical basis and reference for the structural design of the three-cylinder engine’s balancing system. At the same time, according to analyse the characteristics of the elastic gear, it provides a reference for the design and application of the elastic gear.

Key Words:Three-cylinder engine;Balance system;ANSYS;Elastic gear

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 发动机平衡技术的国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 4

1.3 课题支撑与主要研究内容 6

1.3.1 课题支撑 6

1.3.2 课题主要研究内容 6

第2章 三缸发动机平衡性分析 7

2.1 三缸发动机的工作原理 7

2.2 三缸发动机受力分析 7

2.2.1 往复惯性力 8

2.2.2 旋转惯性力 9

2.2.3 往复惯性力矩 10

2.2.4 旋转惯性力矩 11

2.3 三缸发动机的平衡方法 11

2.3.1 三缸发动机旋转惯性力矩平衡方法 11

2.3.2 三缸发动机往复惯性力矩平衡方法 12

2.4 本章小结 14

第3章 三缸发动机平衡轴系统的总体设计 15

3.1 三缸发动机不平衡量 15

3.2 平衡轴系统方案选择 15

3.3 平衡轴径向尺寸设计 15

3.4 平衡轴驱动系统的设计 16

3.4.1 平衡轴驱动方式的选取 16

3.4.2 齿轮设计 18

3.4.3 齿轮材料选择 19

3.4.4 齿轮参数化模型 20

3.4.5 齿轮校核 21

3.5 平衡重的设计 21

3.5.1 平衡重技术要求 21

3.5.2 平衡重样式选择 22

3.5.3 平衡重材料选择 22

3.5.4 平衡重模型 22

3.5.5 平衡重静不平衡量校核 23

3.6 滚动轴承的设计 23

3.6.1 滚动轴承数量的确定 23

3.6.2 滚动轴承类型的选择 24

3.6.3 滚动轴承的寿命校核 24

3.7 平衡轴长度设计 26

3.8 本章小结 27

第4章 平衡轴系统从动齿轮静力学和动力学特性分析 28

4.1 基于ANSYS的弹性齿轮应力应变分析 28

4.1.1 弹性齿轮有限元分析模型 28

4.1.2 弹性齿轮应力与应变特性分析 32

4.1.3 弹性齿轮设计合理性分析 35

4.2 基于ANSYS的弹性齿轮模态分析 35

4.2.1 弹性齿轮模态分析模型 36

4.2.2 弹性齿轮模态特性分析 37

4.3 本章小结 39

第5章 全文总结与展望 40

5.1 全文总结 40

5.2 研究展望 40

参考文献 42

致 谢 45

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义



1.2 发动机平衡技术的国内外研究现状


1.2.1 国外研究现状


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