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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2020-05-28 07:01:25  

摘 要


关键词:机械手 气压釭 圆柱坐标 电磁吸附

The design of the mechanical system of the Rotary Manipulator


In the process of manufacturing production in today's society, the degree of application of the manipulator is an important indicator to measure the level of automation in manufacturing plant. The use of manipulator, liberate human hands from the complicated repetitive work and improve the production efficiency and production reliability. At the same time, in some extreme environments, such as high temperature, high pressure, vacuum, toxicity and so on. Due to the replacement of the direct contact with these extreme environments, the workers are protected from injury. The use of manipulator in all aspects of industrial production have shown unparalleled competitive advantage, so in the manufacturing process has been widely recognized. This paper describes the design of mechanical system based on cylindrical coordinates considering the condition of the use of manipulator. The design is mainly used for the mechanical model of teaching objective. The requirements of the manipulator: range from 00 to 1800, move a 500g metal from one platform to another platform. Based on the use condition above, we select the relatively simple structure of cylindrical coordinate manipulator system, and the clamping part using the electromagnetic absorption type starting point. Taking the teaching purpose of the work environment into consideration, we select a more environmental pneumatic transmission. The manipulator movements in this design is simple, simple structure, high reliability, easy assembly, so this design is suitable for mechanical design, pneumatic transmission and other related courses in the experimental teaching of the principle , assembly and disassembly practice.

Key words: Manipulator Pressure candle Cylindrical coordinates Electromagnetic absorption


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1概述 1

1.2工业机器人-机械手简介 1

1.2.1当前机械手的应用 1

1.2.2机械手常用结构及其特点 1

1.2.3回转式机械手的结构 2

1.2.4现阶段机械手的发展特点 4

第二章 设计任务 5

2.1本设计要解决的问题 5

2.2研究该课题采用的手段 5

第三章 回转式机械手机械系统的设计 6

3.1机械手结构总图的设计 6

3.2机械手立柱部分的设计与校核 10

3.2.1立柱回转缸选型与校核 10

3.2.2立柱气压缸选型与校核 11

3.2.3气压缸与回转缸连接法兰的设计 13

3.3机械手底座部分的设计与校核 14

3.4机械手大臂部分的设计与校核 15

3.5机械手抓手气缸的选型与校核 16

3.6机械手抓手气缸支架的设计 18

3.7机械手抓取部分的设计与校核 19

第四章 机械手的三维建模与动态仿真 21

4.1 PRO-E软件基本简介 21

4.2PRO-E三维建模 21

结语 22

参考文献 23

谢辞 25

第一章 引言










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