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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2022-03-15 20:14:17  


摘 要

随着生产力的发展, 生产规模的扩大和产品结构的调整, 客观上要求作为工业企业物资供应基地的物资仓库进行改建或扩建。但由于现有工业企业的用地受到限制,物资仓库用地难以扩展,所以只能充分挖掘潜力,有效利用现有库区面积,并向空间发展,向空间要货位。

有轨巷道堆垛起重机是随着立体仓库的出现而发展起来的专用起重机,是在高层货架的窄巷道内作业的起重机,通常简称为堆垛机。堆垛机是立体仓库中最重要的起重运输设备,可大大提高仓库的面积和空间利用率,是自动化仓库的主要设备,是代表立体仓库特征的标志。在立体仓库中的搬运设备有高位叉车、工业机器人、桥式堆垛机和有轨巷道式单双立柱堆垛机。有轨巷道式双立柱堆垛机由于效率高,高度可达30-40 m,便于实现无人操作,行走稳定,载货量大,噪声小,在目前的立体仓库中得到广泛应用。


关键字: 立体仓库 堆垛机 结构 受力校核

Design of the Telescopic Mechanism and Lifting Mechanism of 400X80 Warehouse Stacker


With the development of productive forces, the expansion of production scale and the adjustment of product structure, it is objectively required to be rebuilt or expanded as a material warehouse for industrial enterprises' material supply base. However, due to the limited use of existing industrial enterprises, material warehouse land is difficult to expand, so can only fully tap the potential, the effective use of the existing reservoir area, and to space development, to space to cargo.

The railroad roadway stacker is a dedicated crane developed with the appearance of a three-dimensional warehouse. It is a crane that operates in the narrow roadway of a high-rise shelf, usually referred to as a stacker. The stacking machine is the most important lifting equipment in the three-dimensional warehouse, which can greatly improve the area and space utilization of the warehouse. It is the main equipment of the automatic warehouse, which is the symbol of the characteristics of the three-dimensional warehouse. The handling equipment in the three-dimensional warehouse has high forklift, industrial robots, bridge stackers and rail roadway single and double column stackers. With the high efficiency and height of 30-40 m, it is easy to realize unattended operation, stable running, large load and low noise. It is widely used in the present three-dimensional warehouse.

This paper introduces the background, the research significance and the present situation. Secondly, the hardware composition and structure principle of the system are described and analyzed. The working principle of the system used in this system is introduced separately, and the analysis and modeling and simulation of the lifting mechanism of the telescopic mechanism are carried out. Finally, the knowledge and conclusions of the design are summarized.

Keywords: three-dimensional warehouse stacking machine structure force check


摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章引言 1

1.1自动化立体仓库的概念 1

1.3 本论文主要工作 5

第二章 总体设计 7

2.1 货架 7

2.2 堆垛机 7

2.2.1 水平方向的运动(行走机构) 8

2.2.2 垂直方向的运动(升降机构) 9

2.2.3 存取货物方向的运动(伸缩机构) 9

2.2.4货叉伸缩机构绕Z轴的旋转运动(旋转机构) 10

2.3经济分析 10

第三章 升降机构的设计 12

3.1 电机的选择 13

3.2传动零件的设计 13

3.2.1螺杆螺母的设计 13

3.2.2螺杆强度的验算 14

3.2.3螺纹牙强度验算 15

3.2.4 螺杆稳定性验算 16

3.3导轨的选用 17

第四章伸缩机构的设计 17

4.1 电机的选择 18

4.2 传动零件的设计 19

4.2.1传动比的确定 19

4.2.2选定齿轮材料,齿数及齿宽。 19

4.2.3 第一级减速齿轮副的计算 20

4.2.4第二级减速齿轮副的计算 23

4.2.5齿轮齿条传动设计计算 27

4.3 轴系部件的设计 29

4.3.1 轴 Ⅰ的设计: 29

4.3.2轴Ⅱ的设计: 30

4.3.3轴Ⅲ的设计: 31

4.4 导轨的选用 32

第五章机构的三维建模与运动仿真 32

5.1 Pro-E的简介 33

5.2 伸缩机构关键零件的三维建模与装配 33

5.2.1 关键零件的建模 33

(1) 圆柱直齿轮的建模 33

1)创建直齿齿轮的基本圆 33

5.2.2其它零件的建模 38

5.2.3 机构的装配 45

5.3 升降机构关键零件的三维建模与装配 47

5.3.1 关键零件的建模 47

5.3.2 其他零件的建模 49

5.3.3 机构的装配 50

5.4 伸缩机构与升降机构的仿真 54

第六章总结与展望 56

6.1总结 57

6.2展望 57

参考文献 57

致谢 59




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