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 2020-07-16 20:16:40  

摘 要


阀门设计整个过程包括以下步骤。按照所给出的基本设计参数确定整体结构,并对所设计的方案进行论证,从工作原理进行受力分析,材料的初步选择,强度计算,稳定性校核,材料的确定,使用Auto CAD软件绘制总装配图和重要零部件的零件图。

关键词:手动气动的转换 弹性 楔式闸阀 密封面


The valve is a device that can play a role in controlling the pipeline. The pipeline accessories start from a very small valve, and the valve size can reach up to more than 10 meters. In industry, valves are used to control fluids in pipelines during transmission. These valves are designed to adapt to special conditions and can even work under very small pressures to very high pressures, even at very low temperatures. Work under ultra-high temperatures. In order to be able to work under different conditions, different types of gate valves can be assigned under different power requirements. Under the influence of temperature or other types of sensing signals, it can operate according to predetermined requirements, or it can be simply turned on and off without depending on the sensing signal. The valve utilizes a drive portion or an automatic mechanism to vertically slide or swing the opening/closing portion. This changes the size of its flow area to achieve its control function. The so-called gate valve is an on/off brake. The direction of movement of the gate is perpendicular to the direction of flow. The gate valve can be fully opened and fully closed and cannot be adjusted or adjusted. The main control elements of the elastic wedge-type single-sluice gate valve designed this time are the combination of manual and pneumatic, so as to achieve manual and pneumatic conversion.

The whole process of valve design includes the following steps. Determine the overall structure according to the given basic design parameters, demonstrate the designed solution, analyze the force from the working principle, select the material, calculate the strength, check the stability, determine the material, use the Auto CAD software. Draw total assembly drawings and part drawings of important parts.

Keywords: manual pneumatic change;elastic;wedge gate valve;sealing surface


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 选题意义 1

1.2国内外阀门的发展 1

1.2.1国外阀门的发展 1

1.2.2 国内阀门的发展 2

第二章 闸阀的简介 3

2.1 工作原理 3

2.2 结构特点 4

第三章 阀门的设计与计算 5

3.1 阀体的设计与计算 5

3.1.1阀体的特性 5

3.1.2 阀体的的材料选择 5

3.1.3 阀门结构形式及制造方法 5

3.1.4 确定整个阀体的结构长度和连接尺寸 6

3.1.5 结构设计与计算 6

3.1.6 阀体壁厚的设计与计算 8

3.1.7 中法兰的设计与计算 9

3.2 阀杆的设计与计算 12

3.2.1 阀杆的总轴向力 12

3.2.2阀杆的直径估算 13

3.2.3 阀杆强度的计算和校核 13

3.2.4阀杆的稳定校核 16

3.2.5阀杆主要尺寸的确定 18

3.3闸板部分的设计与计算 19

3.3.1闸板密封面的的宽度以及内径的选取 19

3.3.2闸板与阀体的档宽以及相对应的公差的计算 19

3.3.3 闸板主要的结构尺寸的设计确定 21

3.3.4 闸板密封面上的比压计算 22

3.3.5 闸板强度的校核 22

3.4 阀盖及填料装置的设计与计算 23

3.4.1阀盖的设计和计算 23

3.4.2 填料压盖的设计和计算 24

3.4.3 上密封座的尺寸 29

3.5 气缸的设计和计算 29

3.5.1气缸的直径估算和选取 29

3.5.2气缸的校核 30

3.6 其他主要零部件的设计和校核 31

3.6.1 滚动轴承的选取 31

3.6.2 阀杆螺母的校核 31

3.6.3 上活塞和T型槽接头连接螺栓的校核 32

第四章 总结与经济性分析 33

4.1 经济性分析 33

4.2 总结 33

参考文献 35

第一章 绪 论

    1. 选题意义




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