2021-10-13 19:55:51
摘 要
This paper mainly studied the lifting device of offshore jack-up drilling platform, discussed the structure of the lifting device, designed the hydraulic system to control the process and used AutoCAD software to make the schematic drawing, assembly drawing and part drawing of the hydraulic system. On the basis of that, calculate and check the performance of the system, to ensure the stability and feasibility of the whole scheme.
The result showed that compared with other types of drilling platform, pin-type lift platform had the advantage that transverse bolts were set to lock the pile legs, which would reduce the risk of accidents in the process of lifting and improve the stability and safety of the platform movement.
The design of the lifting device of the hydraulic system mainly used proportional direction valves to control the stretch and shrink of piston rod of hydraulic cylinder to achieve different purposes. Among them, the horizontal hydraulic cylinders were used to lock entire platform, while the vertical ones were responsible for the rise and fall of platform. In addition, displacement sensors were installed on each hydraulic cylinder to make sure that the cylinders will move synchronously.
Key words: jack-up drilling platform; lifting device; hydraulic system; electro-hydraulic proportional control
摘要 II
Abstract III
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 钻井平台的基本介绍 3
1.2 海上钻井平台的国内外情况 3
1.3 国内几年来的发展情况 4
1.4 钻井平台的安全问题 6
1.5 研究内容及技术路线 6
第2章 碎石桩钻井平台及其液压控制系统介绍 8
2.1 平台功能说明 8
2.2 升降机构简介 8
2.3 具体平台布局 11
2.4 液压系统设计参数 11
第3章 液压系统参数计算 12
3.1 各液压缸的载荷力计算 12
3.1.1 升降缸载荷力的计算 12
3.1.2 插销缸载荷力的计算 12
3.2 系统工作压力的初选 12
3.3 液压缸主要结构尺寸的计算 13
3.3.1 升降缸的活塞及活塞杆直径 13
3.3.2 插销缸的活塞及活塞杆直径 13
3.4 液压缸实际参数的计算 14
3.4.1 实际工作压力 14
3.4.2实际流量 14
第4章 液压系统原理图的拟定 15
4.1 系统方案的制定 15
4.2 液压系统原理图的拟定 15
4.2.1 系统类型的选择 15
4.2.2 执行元件的选择 16
4.2.3 液压泵类型的选择 16
4.2.4 调速方式的选择 16
4.2.5 调压方式的选择 16
4.2.6 液压原理图的制定 16
第5章 液压元件的选择 21
5.1 液压泵的选择 21
5.1.1 液压泵工作压力的确定 21
5.1.2 液压泵流量的确定 21
5.2 电动机功率的确定 21
5.3 液压阀的选择 22
5.3.1 比例方向阀的选型 22
5.3.2 电磁溢流阀的选型 23
5.3.3 单向阀的选型 23
5.3.4 平衡阀的选型 24
5.3.5 液控单向阀的选型 24
5.4 液压辅件的选型 25
5.4.1 过滤器的选型 25
5.4.2 联轴器和钟形罩的选型 25
5.4.3 管道尺寸的确定 26
5.5 油箱有效容积的确定 26
5.6 液压站的设计 27
第6章 液压系统性能验算 31
6.1 验算回路中的压力损失 31
6.1.1 沿程压力损失 31
6.1.2 局部压力损失 31
6.2 液压系统发热温升计算 32
6.2.1 计算发热功率 32
6.2.2 计算散热功率 32
第7章 系统的经济性分析 33
第8章 总结与展望 34
8.1 总结 34
8.2 展望 34
参考文献 36
致谢 37
第1章 绪论
1.1 钻井平台的基本介绍