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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-05-06 14:13:45  

摘 要







This paper completed design of compensation of horizontal displacement of goods and balancing system of gravity of the boom. It includes the load calculation of the machine, calculation of wheel pressure and stability test of resistive overturn. After the 3-d model of turntable structure was established based on Solidworks, import it to the Workbench in ANSYS software for finite element analysis. According to the analysis of results, defects of the turntable structure design was found. Then put forward the scheme to solve it. Finally the results meet the design requirements of turntable structure. The results is meaningful for finite element analysis of turntable structure of portal slewing crane.

The thesis mainly studied design of the whole structure especially turntable structure of the single-arm portal slewing crane. And put forward the method to get accession of both strength and stiffness of the turntable structure.

The results show that in face of using scheme in this paper, not only can the strength and stiffness of turntable structure of MQ4050 portal slewing crane be guaranteed, but also the driving power and gravity of the structure can be reduced.

Characteristic of this article is that using the Workbench for finite element analysis, as the part of the strength did not meet the requirements, it offers a method to solve it so that the strength can be guaranteed.

Key Words: portal slewing crane; turntable; structure design; finite element analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计目的和意义 1

1.2 设计工作 1

第2章 总体设计计算 3

2.1 主要技术参数 3

2.1.1 额定起重量 3

2.1.2 幅度 3

2.1.3 起升高度和下降深度 3

2.1.4 轨距 3

2.1.5 基距 3

2.1.6 工作速度 3

2.1.7 工作级别 3

2.1.8 风压 4

2.1.9 轨道型号 4

2.1.10 许用轮压 4

2.1.11 电源 4

2.2 确定臂架结构的主要尺寸 5

2.3 货物水平位移补偿系统设计 6

2.3.1 货物水平位移补偿系统的校核 7

2.4 臂架自重平衡系统设计 9

2.4.1 臂架自重平衡系统的校核 9

2.5 载荷计算 11

2.5.1 起升载荷 11

2.5.2 自重载荷 11

2.5.3 动载荷 11

2.5.4 变速运动引起的载荷 12

2.5.5 风载荷 12

2.6 轮压 20

2.6.1 支承反力及轮压计算 20

2.7 抗倾覆稳定性的校核 23

2.8 本章小结 24

第3章 转台结构设计计算 25

3.1转台结构载荷计算 25

3.1.1转台结构受力计算 25

3.1.2 不同工况下的转台结构载荷计算 26

3.2 转台结构三维模型的建立 29

3.2.1 Solidworks简介 29

3.2.2 转台结构三维模型的建立 29

3.3 转台结构有限元分析 30

3.3.1 ANSYS Workbench简介 30

3.3.2 基于Workbench的转台结构有限元分析 30

3.3.3 有限元分析结果 33

3.3.4 改进方案 36

3.4 本章小结 37

第4章 结论与展望 38

4.1 结论 38

4.2 展望 38

参考文献 39

致 谢 40

第1章 绪论

1.1 设计目的和意义



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