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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-21 00:50:17  

摘 要






The MPS automatic production line simulation system simulates and modularizes the steps in real industrial production. MPS simulation system has many modules, these modules bear the role of their respective functions, combined together, the formation of a production capacity of the pipeline, you can complete the designated production and processing tasks. MPS automatic production line simulation system distribution module and testing module design involves pneumatic transmission technology, PLC control programming technology, control engineering technology and sensor technology.

The design of the MPS automatic production line simulation system distribution module and the testing module structure, and the two modules with each other to complete the workpiece feeding, handling, detection height, color, metal and other processes, the use of PLC control The whole process of work, simulate the actual daily production steps.

This paper first introduces the background and requirements of the topic, clarifies the main work of the subject, first through a careful and careful analysis of the whole part of the system first design, integration of the hardware and software structure design, initially established the distribution module and testing module. The overall part of the hardware, in the overall design of the system software to choose the appropriate programming language, developed a reasonable set of design. Then, according to the structural characteristics of the distribution module and the testing module, the module control requirements analysis, the selection design, the aerodynamic principle design, the circuit principle design, the PLC wiring analysis are carried out. After the economic analysis of the device.

Key Words:MPS;PLC;distribution module;testing module

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1课题的背景 1

1.2课题的要求 1

1.3课题的主要工作 2

2系统整体分析设计 3

2.1系统整体分析 3

2.2系统硬件整体设计 3

2.2.1系统安装平台设计 4

2.2.2布线管路设计 4

2.2.3系统支撑杆设计 5

2.2.4工件设计 6

2.2.5系统动力设计 6

2.2.6控制处理器设计 8

2.3系统软件整体设计 9

2.3.1系统程序结构 9

2.3.2编程语言 9

3上料模块设计 11

3.1上料模块控制要求 11

3.2上料模块器件选型 13

3.3上料模块气动原理设计 14

3.4上料模块电路原理设计 15

3.5上料模块I/O资源分配图 16

3.6上料模块程序设计 17

4检测模块设计 19

4.1检测模块控制要求 19

4.2检测模块器件选型 21

4.3检测模块气动原理设计 23

4.4检测模块电路原理设计 23

4.5检测模块I/O资源分配图 24

4.6检测模块程序设计 25

5经济性分析 26

6总结与展望 28

参考文献 29

附录 30

致谢 35




MPS概念是由德国Festo(费斯托)公司提出,MPS(Modular Production System)简称模块化制造系统,选用可编程控制器控制并采用实际工业生产作业所用的生产器件进而模拟全面自动化生产。MPS是综合了计算机技术、通信技术、传感器技术和气动传动技术并融合现代化自动化生产加工设备装置特点,衍生而出的一种模块化装置,其主要面向自动化控制的教学和培训。MPS自动化生产线包含了上料模块、检测模块、加工模块、搬运模块、分拣模块等等,每个模块负责完成自己的指定的系统工艺流程,但又相互关联、相互协调工作,组合成一个完整的生产流水线来完成加工任务。MPS自动化生产不仅仅优化了实际工业生产作业的工作过程,更提高了生产效率,充分体现了自动化技术在工业生产中的主导作用。



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