2021-03-21 00:44:50
摘 要
A crane is a machine in which goods are lifted and moved in space. With the production machinery automation and mechanization requirements continue to improve, the performance requirements of the crane is also rising. The graduation design of the single-arm gantry crane machine and the operation of the design and calculation. The main contents are:
(1)According to the specific parameters of the same type of crane, the overall structure of the crane and the layout and dimensions of the structure and structure of the crane are designed, and the strength and stability of the whole machine are checked;
(2)Based on the calculation results of the whole machine, the calculation and calculation of the components of the operating mechanism, including the running support device and the running drive device, are calculated and checked to ensure the safe operation of the crane.
(3)Three - dimensional Modeling and Kinematics Simulation of Operating Mechanism. According to CAD drawings, SolidWorks three-dimensional modeling of parts, all parts into assembly; ADAMS with the operating mechanism in the actual working conditions of the kinematic simulation.
Crane is an important production machinery in modern industry, its design level can reflect a country's overall industrial level. The design and calculation of the crane operating mechanism is a very important part of the whole machine design, therefore, this design has a very important practical significance.
Key Words:Gate crane; operating mechanism; overall calculation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 课题研究的目的及意义 3
1.4 课题研究内容 3
第2章 港口MQ5040门座起重机总体设计 5
2.1 起重机性能参数 5
2.2 起重机总体设计方案 5
2.2.1 货物水平位移系统设计方案 5
2.2.2 臂架自重平衡系统设计方案 7
2.3 确定工作机构和金属结构的形式 8
2.3.1 确定主要工作机构形式 8
2.3.2 起重机金属结构选型 11
2.4 载荷计算 12
2.4.1 额定起升载荷 12
2.4.2 自重载荷 12
2.4.3 垂直运动引起的动载荷 12
2.4.4 坡道载荷 15
2.4.5 风载荷 15
2.4.6 碰撞载荷 20
2.4.7 试验载荷 21
2.5 轮压计算 21
2.6 起重机抗倾覆稳定性计算 22
2.7 车挡冲击力计算 25
2.8 防阵风制动能力计算 25
2.9 非工作状态防风锚定计算 25
第3章 运行机构 27
3.1运行机构概述 27
3.2运行机构总体方案 27
3.3运行支承装置设计及计算 28
3.3.1均衡装置 28
3.3.2车轮 28
3.3.3轨道 29
3.4 运行驱动装置设计及计算 29
3.4.1 计算稳态运行阻力 29
3.4.2 选择电动机 30
3.4.3选择减速器 33
3.4.4选择制动器 34
3.5打滑验算 36
第4章 运行机构三维建模与运动学仿真 38
4.1SolidWorks零件图的绘制 38
4.2 SolidWorks装配 39
4.3 运行机构运动学仿真 40
4.3.1 三维模型导入 40
4.3.2 ADAMS中约束与驱动的添加 40
4.3.3 仿真 40
第5章 环境影响及经济性分析 41
5.1 环境影响分析 41
5.2经济性分析 41
第6章 工作总结与展望 42
6.1 工作总结 42
6.2工作展望 42
致谢 44
参考文献 45
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景
图1.1 单臂架门座起重机
1.2 国内外发展现状