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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:40:44  

摘 要





关键词:分离式 热管换热器 纳米流体

Development and design of separate flue gas-air preheater


China's steel industry has large energy consumption and low utilization rate. According to statistics, the utilization rate of secondary energy is only about 30%. The large amount of waste gas, waste water and waste generated by metallurgical enterprises in the steel manufacturing process will greatly reduce steel energy consumption if they can make full use of this part of energy.

Separate heat pipe heat exchangers are widely used in various steel and metallurgical industries due to their high heat exchange efficiency and flexible layout. According to the heat pipe heat exchange principle, a separate heat pipe double preheater is designed: the evaporation section is used to cool the flue gas discharged from the hot blast stove, a part of the condensing section is used for preheating the air, and another part is preheating the gas. This device increases the temperature of the gas entering the hot blast stove, which greatly increases the combustion efficiency.

The heat pipe enhanced heat transfer test was carried out by adding nanoparticles to the working medium inside the heat pipe. Comparing the gravity heat pipes of water and graphene-water nanofluids respectively, it is concluded that the graphene-water nanofluid gravity heat pipe has higher performance in both output power and total heat transfer coefficient than water gravity heat pipe, indicating its strengthening.

The structural form of the heat exchanger is determined according to the given design parameters. The design calculation includes calculating the heat exchange amount of each heat exchanger, the number of pipes, the form of the pipe, the pressure drop, and the vapor pressure inside the pipe of the first row of heat pipes. Finally, after the heat pipe strength, the box opening strength and the head strength are checked, the equipment is economically calculated, and the total investment of the equipment is 1.39 million. The annual standard coal can be recovered 5208.2t, and the CO2 emission reduction is 14062.2t, the SO2 emission reduction is 44.3t and the SO3 emission reduction is 5.2t.

Key Words: Separate; Heat pipe exchanger; Nanofluid;

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 1

1.2.1 国外发展现状 1

1.2.2 国内发展现状 2

1.3 钢铁行业余热利用方向 2

1.3.1 钢铁工艺制造流程 2

1.3.2 余热资源分类 3

1.3.3 各工序的余热利用方向 4

1.4 热管与分离式热管换热器 6

1.4.1 热管 6

1.4.2 热管换热器的结构形式 6

1.4.3 分离式热管换热器 7

1.5 热管强化换热 8

1.5.1 改变热管结构 8

1.5.2 热管加入抑泡装置 8

1.5.3 工质加入纳米级颗粒 9

1.6 本文研制的主要内容 10

1.6.1 主要内容 10

1.6.2 技术路线 10

第二章 石墨烯-水纳米流体重力热管传热试验 11

2.1 试验方法 11

2.2 试验数据处理 12

2.2.1 传热系数 12

2.2.2 热管管壁温度 12

2.2.3 热管输出功率 13

2.2.4 热管总传热系数 14

2.3 结论 14

第三章 设备系统布置 15

3.1 本设备余热回收系统 15

3.1.1 分离式双预热器余热回收系统工艺流程 15

第四章 热力计算 17

4.1 计算传热量 17

4.1.1 设计参数 17

4.1.2 定性温度计算 17

4.1.3 放热量计算 18

4.1.4温差计算 18

4.2 迎风参数计算 18

4.3 换热器总传热系数计算 20

4.4 计算所需热管数目 24

4.5 换热器排数布置 25

4.6 压力降 26

4.7 工况下的迎风面风速 28

4.8 首排热管的管内蒸汽温度及蒸汽压 29

4.9 强度校核 30

4.9.1 烟气换热器热管强度校核 30

4.9.2 集箱强度校核 31

4.9.3 平板承压校核 33

第五章 经济核算 35

5.1 设备总投资J 35

5.1.1 烟气换热器 35

5.1.2 空气换热器 37

5.1.3 煤气换热器 38

5.1.4 设备材料总投资J 40

5.2 年节约费用 41

5.2.1 标准煤重量 41

5.2.2 年节约费用 41

5.3 减排量 42

5.4 小结 42

参考文献 43

致 谢 47

第一章 文献综述

1.1 课题背景




1.2 国内外发展现状



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