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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-02-28 21:36:43  

摘 要






Micro-unmanned airship has strong durability and safety, can be quickly put into the low-altitude large-scale data collection tasks. At present the hardware part has been completed design, but also lack the research of micro-airship motion control system research.

In this paper, the kinematics and dynamics models of micro-unmanned airship are established by means of mechanism analysis and Newton-Eulerian conversion. Based on the principle of small perturbation linearization, the motion of the airship is decoupled into longitudinal motion and lateral motion. The state spatial equation of the longitudinal motion and the lateral motion are constructed, and the controllability and stability of the airship are analyzed by the theory of modern control theory. Using SIMULINK tool to build the airship simulation model, and the system step response curve is drawn. On the basis of the state equation, the paper calculates the transfer function of the input and output , and designs the airship pitch and yaw attitude negative feedback control system.Then PID principle is used to adjust the series and improve the system stability.

Through the modeling and simulation of the miniature unmanned airship, the paper analyzes the feasibility of the system, and analyzes the dynamic and static performance of the airship . the paper tests the rationality of the airship structure and the propulsion system. For the future research of the micro-unmanned air motion control system , laying a good foundation.

Key Words: miniature unmanned airship; mathematical modeling; SIMULIMK simulation; PID control

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 飞艇发展历史 1

1.2.2 国外研究现状 3

1.2.3 国内研究现状 4

1.3研究内容 5

第2章 飞艇数学模型 6

2.1飞艇基本结构 6

2.2基本假设 6

2.3坐标系与参数定义 6

2.3.1坐标系定义 6

2.3.2参数定义 8

2.4 飞艇受力分析 8

2.4.1 重力G与浮力B 8

2.4.2 空气动力Fa 9

2.4.3 流体惯性力及附加质量FI 10

2.4.4推力T 11

2.5 动力学方程 12

2.5.1质心动力学方程 12

2.5.2 转动动力学方程 13

2.6 六自由度数学模型 14

2.6.1动力学方程 14

2.6.2运动学方程 15

2.7 小结 16

第3章 飞艇运动学方程线性化 17

3.1 小扰动原理与基本假设 17

3.1.1 小扰动线性化原理 17

3.1.2 基本假设 18

3.2 纵向运动 18

3.2.1 纵向运动方程 18

3.2.2 纵向线性化运动方程 19

3.3 横侧向运动 21

3.3.1 横侧向运动方程 21

3.3.2 横侧向线性化运动方程 22

3.4 小结 24

第4章 飞艇运动性能分析 25

4.1飞艇状态能控性分析 25

4.1.1 纵向能控分析 25

4.1.2 横侧向能控分析 25

4.2 飞艇状态稳定性分析 26

4.2.1 Lyapunov稳定性分析原理 26

4.2.2 纵向稳定性分析 26

4.2.3 横侧向稳定性分析 26

4.3 飞艇运动对控制输入的响应 27

4.3.1运动状态方程simulink建模 27

4.2.3 纵向阶跃响应 28

4.2.3 横侧向阶跃响应 33

4.4 小结 35

第5章 飞艇姿态控制器设计 36

5.1 飞艇俯仰姿态控制器设计 36

5.1.1 俯仰角传递函数 36

5.1.2 飞艇俯仰角PID控制器设计 37

5.2 飞艇偏航姿态控制器设计 40

5.2.1 偏航角传递函数 40

5.1.2 飞艇俯仰角PID控制器设计 41

5.3 小结 44

第6章 总结与展望 45

参考文献 46

致 谢 47

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景




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