2021-11-01 22:19:55
摘 要
With the development of virtual digital currency such as Bitcoin, the technology of block chain is getting more and more attention from researchers, governments and other institutes in society. As the core of block chain, consensus plays a vital role in reaching agreements among the nodes which participate in this process. Therefore, consensus has become one of the focus for many researchers. The traditional consensus algorithm are characterized by high time complexity, large time delay and low throughput. To solve problems above, Facebook designed and presented an algorithm called LibraBFT and uses it in the Libra block chain.
This paper takes LibraBFT algorithm as starting point to study Libra, analyzing its security and liveness. Meanwhile, aiming at solving the disadvantages of traditional consensus, this paper presents a improved LibraBFT algorithm by using an honest mechanism and two-mode consensus. Among them, on the basis of honest mechanism, it guarantees that the nodes within a certain proportion can directly enter the process of consensus, while the others will skip this step. The two-mode consensus which is based on LibraBFT decides the type of consensus by using the number of votes so that it can waste less time.
On the basis of ensuring communication, algorithm this paper presents can reduce the time of the block-chain system over 100 nodes which needs to reach agreement and the linear time complexity of the original algorithm has been kept, improving the time efficiency for about 20% and optimizing the algorithm performance. In addition, it can improve the liveness and responsiveness, enhance the ability to deal with the Byzantine nodes and maintain the security.
Key Words:blockchain;consensus mechanism;Libra;byzantine fault tolerance
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文所做工作 3
第2章 区块链技术 4
2.1 拜占庭将军问题 4
2.2 共识算法 4
2.2.1 PBFT 4
2.2.2 SBFT 5
2.2.3 HotStuff 6
第3章 Libra与LibraBFT算法 7
3.1 Libra 7
3.1.1 核心概念 7
3.1.2 核心语言:Move 8
3.2 LibraBFT共识算法 8
3.2.1 基本概念 9
3.2.2 投票约束 9
3.2.3 提交规则 10
3.3安全机制的分析 10
3.3.1 正确性(Safety) 10
3.3.2 活性(Liveness) 11
第4章 LibraBFT的改进算法 13
4.1 节点选举与等待时间 13
4.1.1 投票器 13
4.1.2 诚实系数 13
4.1.3 等待时间 14
4.2 双模式共识 15
4.2.1 共识模型 15
4.2.2 判定条件 16
4.2.3 提交条件 16
第5章 LibraBFT算法改进前后对比 19
5.1 运行效率 19
5.2 时间复杂度 20
5.3 正确性 20
5.4 活性 20
5.5 响应性 21
第6章 总结与展望 22
6.1 研究总结 22
6.2 研究工作展望 22
参考文献 24
致 谢 26
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义