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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-11-01 22:19:52  

摘 要





In recent years, with the rapid development of inland navigation industry, the impact of air pollutants produced by ships on the urban environment has also been widely concerned. In 2018, the Ministry of transport designated the Yangtze River trunk line as the inland river ship emission control area, putting forward higher requirements for the inland river ship emission control. However, due to the lack of basic data of inland ships and the disturbance of complex navigation environment factors, the calculation results are very uncertain. At the same time, because of the large number of inland ships and the rich types of ships, the massive ship data also brings great difficulties to the emission calculation.

The purpose of this paper is to propose a fast and refined method for the estimation of emissions from inland ships. The purpose is to eliminate the calculation errors caused by the disturbance of the external flow field environment, improve the efficiency of the calculation of emissions from inland ships, and solve the problem of complex calculation. First of all, aiming at the problem of the influence of the complex navigation environment factors of inland river on the calculation of ship discharge, the flow field model is built by the method of numerical simulation of water flow, the speed in AIS information is modified, the real speed provided by the main engine is obtained, and the load factor of the main engine is further optimized; secondly, aiming at the problem of large amount of calculation brought by the massive ship data of the Yangtze River trunk line Based on the regression analysis method, a fast estimation method for the exhaust emissions of inland ships is constructed. Taking the cargo ship as an example, this paper determines the independent variable and dependent variable according to the correlation analysis, carries on the regression analysis to the upstream ship and the downstream ship respectively, and obtains the fitting model of the ship's discharge per kilometer, as the same time, the validity of the model is verified. The results show that compared with the traditional dynamic method, the error of the proposed model is smaller, which satisfies the accuracy and practicability. The research of this paper makes the calculation model of inland river ship emissions further supplement and perfect, which can better provide decision support for ship emission reduction and environmental protection

Key Words:Inland ship; Exhaust emission; Flow field simulation; Ship speed correction; Fast estimation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 主要研究内容 3

1.4 技术路线 3

第2章 内河船舶船速修正与主机工况估计 5

2.1 流场建模与仿真 5

2.1.1 研究水域范围 5

2.1.2 水流数值模拟 6

2.1.3 流场数值模拟结果及分析 7

2.2 船速修正方法 13

2.3 负荷因子估计 16

第3章 内河船舶排放估算与拟合方法 18

3.1 内河船舶排放估算方法 18

3.2 内河船舶排放抽样统计 18

3.2.1 废气排放的主要参数确定 18

3.2.2 内河船舶排放抽样统计 21

3.3 内河船舶排放拟合方法 25

3.3.1 影响因子的选取 25

3.3.2 影响因子的筛选 26

3.3.3 回归分析与建立排放估算模型 27

3.4 内河船舶排放快速估算与验证 33

3.4.1 内河船舶排放快速估算模型 33

3.4.2 估算模型的检验 33

3.4.3 估算模型的实例检验 34

第4章 总结与展望 35

4.1 总结 35

4.2 展望 35

参考文献 37

致 谢 39

第1章 绪论



船舶排放是颗粒物、二氧化碳、硫氧化物和氮氧化物等对空气质量影响最大的污染物的关键来源之一。船舶的废气排放量虽然不如陆上交通工具的废气排放量大,但在船舶数量不断增加,以及排放量计算更加精细化的要求下,如何减少航运业的污染气体排放成为一个紧迫的难题,因此,当前船舶排放已成为研究大气污染的一个重要方向。当前国内学者主要侧重于沿海以及港口水域的船舶排放研究,对内河航运业造成大气污染的研究却相对较少。但我国内河资源非常丰富,由内河船舶运输所造成的污染问题也较为严重。根据文献[1]可知,内河使用柴油机的船舶平均每年排放SOX约10万吨,NOX 81万吨,PM 6.6万吨。在意识到船舶排放污染的严重性之后,我国先后发布了多个有针对性的文件。2015年,我国开始设立针对船舶的大气污染物排放控制区,并在2018年扩大其范围,划分为沿海和内河;期间也发布了船用发动机排放的国家标准,对其做出了更高标准的要求[2-4]


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