2020-04-12 16:24:33
1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
(2)算法设计文档应能详细、准确的反映算法的设计思想。文档格式应尽可能规范,易读易 懂,叙述问题准确。
(3)要求按武汉理工大学理工类本科生毕业论文撰写规范撰写毕业论文,论文字数不少于 12000字,参考文献不少于15篇,其中英文文献不少于2篇;学生提交论文同时,上交存储 所设计系统和英文资料翻译文档、论文的软盘片或光盘片,英文翻译不少于5000字。
(5)遵守毕业设计的纪律,每周向指导教师汇报毕业设计有关情况,并按时撰写毕业设计周 记。
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
(1) 2018/1/14—2018/3/5:查阅有关的参考资料并完成开题报告;翻译英文资料(不少于5000汉字),并交予指导教师检查。
(2) 2018/3/6—2018/4/30:熟悉所选用的开发平台,运用所学的软件设计理论,完成整个系统的前期设计工作。
(3) 2018/5/1—2018/5/25:进行系统的编码、调试、集成、测试工作。
4. 主要参考文献
[1] Xingxin Zhu.2016 Bike sharing schemes promote green transport.
[2] Junming Liu, Leilei Sun, Weiwei Chen, and Hui Xiong..2016 Rebalancing BikeSharing Systems: A Multi-source Data Smart Optimization. In SIGKDD.ACM1005–1014.
[3] Yexin Li, Yu Zheng, Huichu Zhang, and Lei Chen.2015.Traffic prediction in a bike-sharing system.In SIGSPATIAL GIS.ACM,33
[4] Liang Hong, Yu Zheng, Duncan Yung, Jingbo Shang, and Lei Zou. 2015. Detecting urban black holes based on human mobility data. In SIGSPATIAL GIS.ACM, 35.
[5] Jasper Schuijbroek Robert Hampshire and Willem-Jan van Hoeve Inventory Rebalancing and vehicle Routing in Bike Sharing Systems.
[6] Abdeltawab M Hendawi, Jie Bao, and Mohamed F Mokbel. 2013a frame-
work for scalable predictive query processing on road networks.
[7] Abdeltawab M Hendawi, Jie Bao, Mohamed F Mokbel, and Mohamed Ali. 2015.Predictive tree: An efficient index for predictive queries on road networks
[8] Michael R Evans, Dev Oliver, Shashi Shekhar, and Francis Harvey. 2013. Fast and exact network trajectory similarity computation: a case-study on bicycle corridor planning.
[9] John A Hartigan and Manchek A Wong. 1979. Algorithm AS 136: A k-means clustering algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
[10] Jennifer Dill and Kim Voros. 2007. Factors affecting bicycling demand: initial survey findings from the Portland, Oregon, region..
[11] Paul DeMaio. 2009. Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and future.
[12] Zaiben Chen, Heng Tao Shen, and Xiaofang Zhou. 2011. Discovering popular routes from trajectories.
[13] Martin Ester, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jorg Sander, Xiaowei Xu, and others. 1996. A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise..
[14] 蒋梦帆,朱查松,刘健枭 共享单车影响下的居民出行行为研究——以厦门市思明区为例.U491,(2017)
[15] 万波, 公共服务设施选址问题研究. F294,F224 (2012)