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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:21:49  


摘 要






关键词:超市系统 java B/S myeclipse结构

The traffic statistics system development based on video process


The supermarket bill management system is mainly used to manage the supermarket trade bills, bills such as import, modify and delete bills, bills, andsupermarket goods supplier, user management and so on. The bill, is the supermarket and supplier transaction credentials. The supermarket procurementstaff, supermarket manager is the goal of the system user. This management method, artificial management method can replace the traditional, and high efficiency of light.

The system is designed to relieve the supermarket complex billing managementdesign. The main process: landing interface, to authenticate the identity; divided into ordinary employees and managers, department managers authority more high; the client uses the database link, the data show the detected; report management is divided into supplier management, bill management and user management; information about supplier management can query the supplier, bill management can query the commodity information, user management information query Supermarket internal staff.

This paper first briefly introduces the necessity and feasibility of developing supermarket bill management system, the system used java language and B/Sframework are introduced briefly, then the system needs analysis, design and test of the system are described in detail.

This system uses the B/S framework, the use of Java language, in the MyEclipse development environment, using Mysql database operation

The test showed that: 1, the software interface design is simple and friendly,beautiful and generous; 2, data storage security, and reliable; 3, information classification clear, accurate; 4, powerful query capabilities, to ensure that data query flexibility.

Keywords: supermarket;system;java;B/S;myeclipse

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2 系统开发的意义 1

1.2.1 开发目的 1

1.2.2 超市账单管理系统的用途 2

1.3 主要工作 2

1.4 本章小结 2

第二章 超市账单管理系统相关技术 3

2.1 JSP的介绍 3

2.2 Mysql介绍 4

2.3 MVC 介绍 5

2.4 Tomcat 介绍 5

2.5本章小结 6

第三章 需求分析 7

3.1可行性分析 7

3.2需求分析 7

3.2.1用户业务需求 7

3.2.2.超市账单管理系统的几个特点 8

3.2.3效益需求分析 8

3.3 数据流图 10

3.4本章小结 12

第四章 系统设计 13

4.1系统结构 13

4.2系统功能设计 14

4.3数据库设计 15

4.3.1 概念结构设计 15

4.3.2 实体属性设计 16

4.3.3 数据库表设计 18

4.4本章小结 20

第五章 系统实现 21

5.1登录模块 21

5.2部门经理模块 23

5.3本章小结 28

第六章 系统测试与分析 29

6.1系统测试的重要性 29

6.2测试实例的研究与选择 29

6.3测试环境与测试条件 30

6.4系统运行情况 30

6.5系统评价 31

第七章 总结与展望 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第一章 引言



在如今这个时代,计算机的重要性已经不言而喻,计算机技术已经成为了各个行业所不可或缺的技术。电脑和网络的普及, 也使计算机技术拥有着更加优越的竞争力。步入信息化时代,信息将会变得越来越繁琐和复杂,而这些信息的庞大以及对信息的及时精确的筛选,使得对数据库的进一步开发和利用,变得更加的紧急和重要。


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