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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-05-31 22:14:13  


摘 要





(2)通过引入Pan-Tompkins 算法实现对心电波形的分析,并在Android手机上展示,可以较为准确的反应检测结果。


关键词:心电检测系统 Android 微信 展示

Design of ECG Detecting system

for Android Platform


With the economic development and improvement of people's living standards, the disease and death composition is changing. More and more people are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumor, diabetes, etc. In these diseases, heart disease has become one of the most important threat to our health. Due to the great harm of heart disease, individuals, families and society have suffered a lot because of its burrstones. Therefore, the prevention of heart diseases and medical research work has become one of the urgent problems in the world. In the background of such a market, the design of a portable ECG detection system was very useful.

Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and foreground prospect of ECG detection system. Secondly, the platform and main function of the system was introduced. This APP is based on Android smartphones which used as the main development platform. After designing, the real-time exhibition and analysis of ECG waveform can be achieved. What’s more, transmission and reception of the WeChat can also be realized.

The innovation is mainly reflected in:

(1) We use a relatively complete mechanism to read and analyze the ECG signal. Through the comprehensive and detailed analysis on electrocardiogram (ECG), we can make judgments of the ECG health status of the people. And then we can send the ECG waveforms and analysis results back to the doctor or their family members.

(2) By using the Pan-Tompkins algorithm for ECG waveform analysis and then displaying on Android phones, the results can be more accurate.

Key words: ECG detecting system, Android, WeChat, display


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 Android心电图检测系统的研究背景 1

1.2 Android心电图检测系统的前景展望 2

1.3论文的结构安排 2

第二章 Android平台概述 4

2.1 Android的发展历史 4

2.2 Android平台系统框架 4

2.2.1应用程序层 5

2.2.2应用程序框架 5

2.2.3系统运行库 6

2.2.4 Linux内核层 6

2.3 Android平台的优势 6

2.3.1开放性 6

2.3.2丰富的硬件 7

2.3.3方便开发 7

2.3.4 Google应用 7

第三章 心电信号简介及心电信号采集 8

3.1 心电信号简介 8

3.1.1 心电信号的产生 8

3.1.2心电信号的特点 8

3.1.3心电活动的传导过程 8

3.1.4心电信号的特征参数 9

3.2 心电信号采集 10

3.2.1硬件采集心电数据 11

3.2.2文件方式读取心电数据 12

第四章 心电波形展示 14

4.1 动态展示原理 14

4.2 动态展示实现 15

第五章 心电波形分析 17

5.1 异常心电波形分类 17

5.2 波形分析算法的实现 18

5.2.1 Pan-Tompkins 算法 18

5.2.2心率计算的实现 19

5.2.3心电图截图保存 19

5.3 微信发送心电图 21

第六章 系统工作流程 24

6.1 初始界面 24

6.2 主界面设置 25

6.2.1 首页 26

6.2.2心电分析界面 27

6.2.3 心电详情界面 27

6.2.4个人信息界面 28

6.2.5 监护人信息界面 29

6.2.6设置界面 30

第七章 总结与展望 32

7.1 毕业设计总结 32

7.2 工作展望 32

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 Android心电图检测系统的研究背景




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